Thirty four

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Grayson finally finished editing the video and posted it on youtube. He titled it "We have something serious to tell you" and we were watching as the comments were rolling in instantly.

graysonsuckmytoenators: OMG THEY'RE BACK TOGETHER YESSSS
graaaaaysond: I'm so happy he's happy
ALLISONSHIP: i find it so sad that Aaliyah had to say sorry for just making Gray happy..

and some of the not so great comments..

dolan_lovers: wtf get away from my man
eteeeweeeeet: what's the point of breaking up if they were just gonna get back together?? Publicity stunt.
dolan699: Shut up it's their life and they can be together as long as they both want to be ^

(I just made these up, idk if they're real usernames😂)

I guess we were both expecting these type of comments, but Gray reassured me everything would be okay and i believed him. He told me that he wanted to take me out to dinner tonight at my favourite french restaurant that we usually go to.

As Grayson and i were cuddling up on the couch watching 'Spongebob' i decided to give Amy a call just to check up on her. I put her on speaker and she picked up after 3 rings.

Aaliyah: Hello?
Amy: Hey babe what's up?
Aaliyah: Just checking up on you. Is Ethan there?
Grayson: You guys want to come out to dinner with us tonight?
Amy: Oh hey Gray! Yeah sure what time?
Grayson: Meet at Rosfier Reserve at 8pm and use Dolan when you come

We talked for a few more minutes and then we hung up. Ethan had been keeping Amy company all day and she's been getting better. She still hasn't left the house since the incident so tonight will be her first night going out. I'm so thankful for Ethan taking care of her. The Dolans really are something else.

It was about 6:30 when i decided to start getting ready. I walked up to my closet with Grayson following me in shortly. He places both his hands on either side of my hips and lands a kiss on my neck.

"What you gonna wear tonight babe?" he asked still giving me soft kisses every few seconds. I smile and turn around to face him planting a kiss on his lips, which he pulls me in closer continuing the kiss for a few more seconds. I send him a wink before pulling out my beige velvet dress and begin stripping off my clothes.

I slip off my top as i see Grayson just leaning against the door looking at me. I giggle a bit and take off my pants leaving me in just my bra and underwear.

"You good over there?" i ask him and he takes a few steps closer to me. He scans my body up and down and licks his lips. His fingers twirl through my hair and he pushes it behind my ear, his hand making its way past my hips and grabs my ass.

"I'm good over here actually," he says with a grin. I roll my eyes at him and push him away slightly and start putting on my dress.

"We're gonna be late if i don't start getting ready baby,"

"Your dress is gonna come off by the end of tonight anyway," he says as he slaps my ass and walks out my closet.

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