Fifty one

423 2 3

Aaliyah's POV

I woke up in his arms. I hug tightly onto Grayson's waist and pull him closer. I could smell the cologne he wore; Calvin Klein my favourite. I'm back where i'm suppose to be, right next to Grayson. I admire his face as the sun light exposes onto his skin. The way his hair flops on the pillow, it looks so fluffy. The mole on his chin that i could distinguish him from Ethan.

I'm joking. But seriously, i have everything i need right in front of me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," he says with his eyes still closed shut. I giggle into his chest and his rests his arm on my body.

"I could stay like this forever with you," he says snuggling up closer to me.

"I wish i didn't have to leave," i say. I was only staying for 2 weeks and then going back to LA to finish school. Grayson wanted me to do online schooling but i couldn't bring myself to do it. I had made so many good friends in these highschool years and i've come so far not to be handed my diploma in person. I feel like i deserve that much at least.

Yeah, my youtube career is taking off and i have collabs in mind but school was always a first priority for me. I wanted to make my parents proud although they weren't there for majority of it. It seems like Grayson's parents were more like my family than my own. Regardless, i know my parents love me, they just can't be there.

"Hey Gra—," Ethan. Of course it's always him who barges in.

"Ethan you need to start knocking," i say with my face still in Grayson's chest. I could feel Gray's eyes rolling to the back of his head without even seeing him.

"Sorry, but mom and dad are home and they said we should all go out for breakfast. You too Ally," he said. Grayson agreed by letting out a groan which Ethan took the hint and left closing the door. We had about an hour till the time Gray's parents wanted to go to iHop.

I released myself from his warm embrace and sat on the edge of the bed. Grayson just rolled over and pulled the blanket over his head. As i got up to walk to the bathroom my legs gave up on me and collapsed. Ouch.

"Again princess?" Grayson's muffled voice said. I could just see his smirk without looking at him, knowing he was proud of himself. I roll my eyes and just crawled to the bathroom because i was in pain.


"I call shotgun," Sean said as we all gathered around the car.

"Sean of course you get shot gun. Lisa's driving," i said as we all laughed. We decided that the boys and their parents were going to go in one car, and Amy and i would go in Cameron's car. I got shotgun there. The restaurant was about 20 minutes away so us girls jammed to some old songs in the car.

"So how are my brother's treating you both?" Cameron asked keeping her eyes on the road. I looked back at Amy in the backseat and we smiled at each other.

"They're good Cam. They're well behaved," Amy replied making Cameron laugh.

"That's not what i heard from them. They said they did something and you were mad about it i think," she said. Amy and i had a confusing look on our face.

"Did they tell you?" I asked. She nodded and i finally understood.

"Well it was a rough patch but we're good now. We're happy and that's all that matters," Amy said.

"Yeah but Ethan or Grayson do anything to you guys i'll hurt them," Cameron said. We all had a giggle before she told us that she was serious.

Cameron's car was following behind Lisa's and we exited the main road coming close to the restaurant in about 5 minutes.

Out of nowhere we heard a loud bang, a crash. We soon saw a car losing control and continuously turning in circles before it was crashed against a traffic light post. There were horrendous screams as bystanders saw what just happened. Lisa's car came to a hault and luckily Cameron stopped hers just in time to avoid another crash.

The seatbelt saved all of us from injuring ourselves, thankfully. I quickly got out of the car, followed by Amy and Cameron. I ran over the Dolan's car making sure everyone was okay. Grayson held his hands on both sides of my face checking to see if i was hurt anywhere, and then tightly hugged me in relief. I pull away and instantly ran to the crashed car.

I wanted to help, and i needed to help. People were just standing around either filming, freaking out or walking away. How could you do that? Making my way down to the dented car, the hood was popped up with smoke coming out of it, it looked like it could explode any minute. The car was flipped upside down which meant whoever was inside, was also flipped upside down and unconscious.

"AALIYAH! STOP!" I heard Grayson and everyone else say. I ignored them. Someone is about to lose their life if no one does anything about it. I slowly approached the damaged vehicle and opened the door with caution.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" i ask hoping for a response. All i could see was a hand, not moving though, and blood all over. It made me sick to my stomach.

"CALL 911 NOW SOMEONE, PLEASE," i yell with tears streaming down my face. I don't know why it affected me so much, i just needed to help this person. I saw a couple people pull out their phones and call emergency services instead of filming the scene, thank God.

I soon heard footsteps come up from behind me and i saw Grayson.

"Be careful," he said as he tells me to move back a bit. He attempted lifting the car a bit so that i could see who was underneath. It was hard to tell. Grayson was shaking badly so i needed to do this quickly.

It was a woman. Mature skin. Black hair, curly and long. Tan skin tone. 

Grayson managed to lift it up slightly more with Ethan's help as he came along.

"Miss, can you hear me? Say your name if you can hear me. Move your hand if you can hear me," i say. I got nothing. I move in closer and.. i saw a face that i wish i didn't see.

"Baby can you see who it is?" Grayson asks with his masculine voice. I don't take my eyes off this person. My tears were streaming down harder on my face, i couldn't help it.

"Ma'am i'm going to ask you to move away, we will take it from here," i feel a hand on my shoulder and a stranger's voice. I look at the person and he was part of the first aid services. Help had arrived.

"No please, let me stay with this person," i ask, pleading actually. They shook their head and said no. They told me i could come to the hospital later to visit but i couldn't stay with them now.

Cameron, Lisa and Sean were watching everything in shock, far away from the scene. Grayson, Ethan and i were standing on the sidewalk watching them remove the body from the car.

"Do you know who that person is Aaliyah?" Ethan asks. I nod.

"My grandmother.."

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