Seventy seven

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Aaliyah's POV

"What's wrong princess?" Gray asks. I hold his hand tightly in mine.

"You don't look so well. But i'm glad you're okay," i say softly not looking at him.

"Hey," he says lifting my chin up with his finger. I face his beautiful olive eyes. The ones i longed to look at for so long.

"I'm here, and awake. My surgery went great and i'm still in recovery which i'll get better soon," he says as his eyes sparkle seeing my reflection in his orbs. I couldn't help but smile. Grayson was going through something that could have been life threatening, yet he can still try and make sure that i'm feeling okay. I don't deserve this.

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon. I've been wanting to ask this, but how long have you been feeling sick for Gray? I don't understand how all of this could have happened so sudden," i say. He takes a while to respond and he licks his lips trying to think of a response.

"I'm not sure either princess. I just thought i either had a stomach ache or i was coming down with a fever. I guess it was both. I didn't really begin to feel it until a few days ago when we came to London. I feel so fucking annoyed at myself for having the show cancelled. The fans probably all hate me right now, i don't even want to see how much hate i've been getting," he says face palming himself.

I remove his hand from his face to prevent him from hurting himself any longer and i place it on my cheek. His cold hand touching the surface of my face.

"They don't hate you. They can't blame you for being sick. Sure, they're upset i mean who wouldn't be? But hey, i know you were excited to meet each and every one of them just as they were excited to meet you. You will one day, but for now you need to focus on getting better so that this type of thing can never happen again. Do you hear me Grayson Dolan? I thought i was going to have a heart attack when i found out what happened to you. I thought i could've lost you and that thought scares me. Imagine the millions of fans hearing something like that, they would go ballistic. You are trying, you are doing your best and i'm so proud of you Gray. Don't ever forget how hard you worked for this."

He smiles and tells me to lean in closer to him. He places a soft kiss on my forehead and we stay like this for a while. The fact that he couldn't even move for the next 1-2 days really hurt me. He needed to rest especially within these 1-2 days.

"I really love you, you know that? I really mean it. I appreciate everything you say and do for me. I don't know what i did to deserve you." No Gray, i don't know what i did to deserve you.

I sat on his bed and we talked for hours until visiting hours were over. I obviously didn't want to leave him but i had no choice, only family was allowed so at least Ethan was there with him which made me feel at peace.

"How was it in there?" Ethan asks as i close the door behind me. I close my eyes struggling to fight the tears from falling.

"It hurts me seeing him in the situation he's in, but i'm hanging in there. I'm happy i get to see him at least," i reply. Ethan nods and pulls me into his arms and i hug back.

"He's probably going crazy from not being able to eat for the next 24 hours. I'm gonna go and keep his mind off it," Ethan says chuckling. I laugh also and say goodbye as he walks into Grayson's room.

"Let me take you back to the boy's hotel room," Kyle says standing by the door. He's so tall, i don't get how i didn't realise he was there. I smile at him and he escorts me out of the building. He opens the door for me and i get in the passenger.

"You know Ally, i was scared out of my mind seeing him like that," Kyle says keeping his eyes on the road.

"I don't think i would know how to react if i was in your place either Kyle," i say as i look out the window. I swear these type of moments make me feel like i'm in a movie or a music video. It was spitting rain and cold out as well, that helped a lot. Thanks London.

The rest of the drive consisted of us having small talk about work and the boys, and before i knew it we arrived at the hotel. Kyle showed me the way to their room and gave me the keys before saying goodbye and going to his room next door. I let out a huge sigh as i plant myself onto the couch in front of me.

I felt so comfortable, but also so sad knowing i was here alone.

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