Ninety three

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Aaliyah's POV

Grayson hasn't been coming over for the past couple of days because of 'work' and i've been feeling really neglected and lonely. I'm trying so hard not to overthink and just focus on my own work and simply be happy whenever he comes around. I know he's a busy guy, i just wish i didn't feel this way but i can't help myself.

Ethan and Amy are currently over at my apartment having some coffee. I thought Grayson was working with Ethan but i guess not. It's probably some other work he has on the side. Ugh, i hate myself.

"You know Grayson won't hurt you right?" Ethan asked sipping his coffee.

"I know," i say staring down at my drink.

"You don't sound so convinced," he adds.

"It wouldn't exactly be the first time he's.. you know," Amy says trying to hint the fact that he's gone behind my back before multiple times. Ethan hushes her to not bring it up.

"I wouldn't forgive Grayson if he did. He's not, trust me. He's just busy," Ethan says. I let out a long sigh tracing circles with my nail on the side of my mug.

I wish i could just believe the words coming from him. It's Ethan, he wouldn't lie to me right? I trust him, and i trust Grayson. I tend to overthink way too much and worry about stupid scenarios i come up with in my head.

"Hey," Amy begins talking. I lift my head and look at her as she speaks.

"Let's go pamper ourselves. A girl's day. Forget about work, forget about chores and all that adult stuff. Let's have fun and do our nails, watch a movie and eat a tonne of bad shit," she says giggling. Ethan looks over at her smiling while shaking his head. That's my bestfriend.

"I'd like that," i reply smiling back.

Ding Ding

It was Ethan's phone. He picked it up from the table to check his notification.

"It's Grayson. He says he needs me. I guess i'll get going," Ethan says locking his phone. He gives Amy a peck on the lips and kisses the top of my head before leaving.

"Grayson doesn't even text me that much anymore," i say sadly.

"Baby, today i'm not going to let you be sad. Let's go. Do your makeup, feel beautiful. We're having fun today," Amy says pulling me up from my chair.


Ethan's POV

"She suspects something bro," i tell Grayson as i pull up to the warehouse. He leans back in his chair at the desk with his hands on his face dragging it down.

"It's okay. Don't worry," he replies.

"What if something goes wrong?"

"Listen E, it won't. You're talking about Aaliyah here," he says.

"Yeah your girlfriend who's overthinking right now. You need to talk to her and spend more time with her to make it stop. You can't let her feel like this. I know what you're doing but you need to be better at this," i suggested. I squeeze the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger in frustration.

Grayson can be a total idiot, not going to lie. I'm pretty sure he knows it too.

"I don't have time to be with her right now. I'm trying. I've only seen her like twice this week. I'm so busy," Gray replies, this time sounding really annoyed and irritated.

"Get it together Gray, otherwise everything's going to turn to shit."

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