Ninety four

263 2 2

Aaliyah's POV

"Baby!" i yell as i open the door welcoming my boyfriend. Grayson had come over to hang out because he has been working and i finally got to see him after a few days. Safe to say, i am definitely the clingy type; just for him though.

He chuckles smiling to himself as he opens his arms waiting for me to jump into them. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms snake around my waist holding me tightly. The smell of his cologne was heavenly, he always smelt good. I felt like i haven't seen him in forever. Don't judge me, we went from seeing eachother everyday to only like once to twice a week. It's a big change.

He closes the door behind him and he takes a seat on the couch, patting his thigh telling me to come sit with him. I walked over and straddled him. My hands caress the sides of his face as i analyse the way he looked. He was beautiful, these eyes i could look in forever.

"I missed you," i pout.

"I missed you so much more princess," he says staring intensely at my lips. I take this as an opportunity to lean in and i feel our lips collide. They moulded perfectly with one another. I missed this.

His hands rubbed the side of my waist and thighs. Shivers were sent throughout my entire body under his touch. I craved him. After being rudely interrupted the other night, i needed this and i think he did too. Well, at least the look in his eyes told me he did.

I pull away and look at him lustfully. To be honest my mind was full of thoughts, not good ones either but how could i be thinking of such things when i have the love of my life right in front of me?

"Babe?" i ask.

"Hmm?" He mumbles as he moves my piece of hair placed behind my ear.

"Um.. don't worry it's stupid," i say shaking my head.

"You can tell me anything, you know that," he reassures.

"You still love me right?" i ask looking dead straight into his eyes. His facial expressions didn't change. All he does is work up a smile and pecks my soft lips.

"I will always love you. Only you. What makes you think that?" he asks.

"It's just that you've been 'working' so much lately and we barely see each other and i recently felt so distant with you.. i don't know i told you it's stupid i'm sorry," i ramble on.

"I am just busy, i promise you. I'm not lying to you. I'll try my best to spend more time with you, it kills me not seeing you so often as well. Don't be sorry, i should be the one saying that," he grabs hold of my hand and kisses my knuckles. He's such a romantic.

"You're the love of my life, Ally. Don't forget that."

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