Twenty one

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The car drive back to the twin's house was silent besides the radio being played in the background.

Grayson pulled up into the driveway and hopped out the car. He walked over to my side and opened my car door for me. One thing for sure was that even if things between us were bad or iffy, he still did the little things for me which i appreciate.

Ethan pulled out his house keys and unlocked the front door. Immediately Ethan went up to this room avoiding the awkward tension and probably not wanting to be around when i talked to Grayson. I mean i wasn't planning on fighting with him, i just wanted some answers.

Grayson and i made our way up to his room and he closed the door behind him. We settled down our bags and sat opposite each other on the bed, my legs being crisscrossed.

"You've been waiting to ask those questions huh?" he says laughing a bit. I smile back at him.

"So tell me babe, what happened? If you're uncomfortable then its okay," i reassure him. I was never the one to make him do something he wasn't okay with, and i hope he knows that. He nods and lets out a sigh before starting his story.

"Angela met Ethan and I back in second grade like she said. We hit it off and were in the 'talking' stage for about 6 months when we were in year 8. I asked her to be my girlfriend when we were 14 and like she also said, we dated for about a year. Her parents split up and decided that she would go with her dad in Canada. I didn't know how to handle it when she told me. I got angry because she didn't believe in long distance, and all the time we spent together, i thought it meant nothing to her because she left so easily.

Ofcourse we tried to keep in contact, but her replies were getting shorter and i saw no point in trying anymore. I realised the reason being was because she found someone else. I was heartbroken not going to lie, i gave it my all in that relationship even though we were young, we had a lot of history you know? Well, obviously i got over it, and i'm glad because i met the most gorgeous, smartest and kindhearted girl and i'm glad to have her in my life,"

he finishes off, intertwining his fingers with mine. His eyes were so full of love and i felt myself falling in love with him all over again. Sure, he just told me the story of how he fell in and out of love with his ex girlfriend, but he is mine now and i am his.

"I love you Aaliyah. The past 2 years have been the best years of my life and i know we have our ups and downs, hell we have a lot of them," he laughs making me laugh too.

"but i would never trade what we have for anything. You're so caring, humble and forgiving. I fall in love with you again every time i look at you. I don't ever want to be apart from you again, so will you please be my girlfriend officially? ... Again," he says as he lifts my chin up pulling my face closer towards his, our lips being so close you could feel the heat.

My heart was beating uncontrollably fast, he just knows how to get to me.

"Yes i will," and we both smile in as we both lean for the most passionate kiss we've had in a long while.

I, am falling in love with Grayson Dolan. All over again.

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