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Grayson's POV

Sarah came closer to me and pushed me back onto the couch straddling me.

"What are you doing?" i asked.

"Can't i make love to my boyfriend?"

Honestly when Aaliyah and i broke up, all i wanted to do was have sex with other girls and forget about her. But all of that just reminded me of her even more. Now that i have Sarah, i dont even want any of that anymore.

"No, you can't."

"What do you mean, no?" she looked at me with disgust.

"I dont want to have sex with you 24/7 Sarah. Why cant we just lay here and cuddle? Or binge watch a show and eat pizza and ice-cream?"

Her eyes widened as if i offended her.

"First of all, we lay and cuddle in bed all the time--"

"Yeah, and that turns into us having sex." She ignored my statement and rolles her eyes.

"Second of all, i dont want to lay on my ass all day while eating unhealthy food."

I push her off me.

"What do you think youre doing?" She asks in disbelief.

"This isnt working. I don't want this anymore. Please get out of my house."

Ethan's POV

I heard something going on downstairs, but i just figured they were going at it again.

I looked down at Aaliyah who fell asleep on me, making sure they wouldnt wake her up. Her face looked so peaceful and the little snores that would come out randomly.

I gently stroke her hair and i close my eyes to rest them.

What am i suppose to do about Adam?
If her hurts her in any way, im gonna kill him.

Aaliyah is too precious to allow anyone to hurt her, even my own brother.

Grayson's POV

After dealing with Sarah, she ended up storming out and i finally ended things.

I felt a huge weight off my shoulders. I decide to go upstairs and check up on what Ethan and Ally were up to. I knock on his door but i heard nothing, so i just opened it slowly.

Ethan was fast asleep while Ally was using his lap as a pillow and sleeping sideways. Her legs were crouched, shaping her body into a ball. She always looked beautiful even when she was sleeping. People would think i'd be mad that my brother and ex girlfriend were 'sleeping' together, but theyve always been close like this - they would never hurt me like that.

I went into the guest bedroom and took the blanket. I covered both their bodies in the warm sheets and was about to leave, when i felt a grip on my wrist.


"Go back to sleep," i said softly, careful not to wake up Ethan.

She rubbed her eyes,

"Grayson?" Her voice was so cute.


"Can we talk?"

My heart started racing as she asked me that question.

"Sure," and i help her get out of bed and lead her into my room.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now