Twenty nine

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Aaliyah's POV

A few days have gone past and it was now afternoon, Friday. Grayson and Ethan were driving me back to their place even when i was insisting on going back to my own home. I was so drained and literally just wanted to sleep.

"You can sleep at mine babe, why do you want to go back to yours?" Grayson asked, still keeping his eyes on the road.

"This whole week i haven't gone home, i miss my mom." My dad was always away on business trips and he was constantly being transferred to different states to work. Sure he was successful, but i'd take my father's time over a business man any day. He was so busy that he rarely calls me, probably once every other month.

"How about we go out to dinner with your mom tomorrow night?" Grayson suggested. I smile and nod as he took a quick glance at me as we were on the way back to his house.

As we opened their front door, we dropped our bags as just landed on the couch.

"You guys want a drink?" Ethan asked getting up walking to the kitchen. I shake my head and just said i'll share with Grayson whatever he wanted. Cons of having a girlfriend, you always share EVERYTHING!

We were all just watching some random TV show and making conversation.

I was snuggled up comfortably against Grayson's chest as my phone was blowing up with notifications. He leaned up to grab my phone from the table and told me it was Amy handing it to me.


I sigh looking at the message. She clearly wasn't happy with him, but she made herself believe she did. Jayden is Amy's first love, and i understand how she feels, after all Grayson is mine.

Me: What happened now?
Amy💖: He told me he was going away with his family but i saw text messages from another girl

I told Amy i would come over to her house. Grayson understood and offered to drive me there. The car ride was silent but comfortable. His hand was lightly squeezing my thigh which made me squeal inside and the other was on the wheel. I was happy.

We pulled up into Amy's driveway. We knocked on the door but she didn't come. I gripped onto the knob and the door was unlocked. Weird. Amy lived alone with her older brother but he was away to college. Amy was and always has been a paranoid girl, she would never leave it unlocked.

Grayson and i exchanged a concerned look. He walked in first leaving me to follow quietly behind him. We heard voices mumbling upstairs.

"STOP PLEASE, P-PLEASE," the voice pleaded. For sure it was my best friend's voice. Grayson rushed upstairs to where the loud noises were.

The door to Amy's room was locked. Grayson kept trying to twist the door open but it was mo luck.

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The voice inside said. Jayden. You could hear Amy whimpering and it made me so scared. The door unlocked and there he stood. Grayson tackled him to the ground instantly. I ran over to Amy who was curled up into a ball in the corner. Her mascara dripped from her red, swollen eyes. It really did break my heart.

Her eyes looked up at mine and jumped into my arms. She was scared and i needed to get her out of here. I quickly took her hand and lead her out of her room and go downstairs. She was whimpering as she was walking, she was in pain. You could hear Grayson and Jayden upstairs going at it. I wasn't worried because Grayson was bigger than him, but still i didn't want him getting hurt.

I opened the back seat door for Amy and she climbed in. I told her i would be right back and i locked the door in case. I ran back inside to see Grayson standing with both his hands on his hips in Amy's hallway staring into what was in her room. There were scratches on Grayson that i knew would scar his body eventually. He was out of breath but i'm proud of him. I walk next to him to comfort him as i see Jayden tied up to a chair.

I pulled out my phone dialing '911.' Grayson told me to go back to Amy and check to see if she's okay while he waited for the police to come.

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