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Aaliyah's POV

I found myself constantly crying by myself in my room. Amy tried talking to me but i told her i wanted to be alone, which led to her going off at Grayson which Ethan told me about. I didn't know what to do. I love him so damn much but there he goes again, breaking the trust he had built so strongly. My walls were breaking down again. One at a time.

Ethan called me and i picked up like an idiot. He dogged me and handed the phone to Grayson because from what i can see, he wasn't doing too good himself. I hesitantly wanted to hang up and just leave it until i heard his voice shaking as he tried to get across the words he wanted to say.

"Aaliyah.." he started speaking. The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine, not the good kind. Not the way he use to anymore.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to i just—"

"No Grayson. You never 'mean' to do anything. I can't just forgive you this time," i say sternly.

"l love you Ally you know that." His eyes were staring intensely into mine. I gulp the lump in my throat and sigh.

"No.. i really don't anymore Grayson." His mouth slightly fell open and his eyes wandered anywhere but the screen, no longer looking at
me. It was a good thing too because if he continued staring at me with those eyes, i would've broke.

"Grayson i don't want to look at you and regret the choice i made back when you hurt me the first time. Now.. i regret everything. I mean everything. You're my fucking everything and yet it feels like i don't know you anymore," i say as the tears roll down my red face. I seemed to be doing this a lot more often, drying my tears.

"I was drunk and stupid and i didn't know what i was doing. I promise, i swear you're the only girl i want to ever be with.. Princess please," he pleaded.

"You don't even deserve to call me by that name. Don't make promises you can't keep Grayson. Shit like that just gets my hopes up of us actually lasting. I'm tired of being disappointed, lied to and played. I'm sick of these games. I'm done playing them with you, i'm done being your game."

"What are you trying to say.." he says softly. Our eyes make contact and my heart melts. No matter what, i'll always have love for the kid. My first ever true love and my best friend. I wanted to hold him tight as if my life depended on it but i couldn't. Whenever i look at him i think of the boy who broke my trust and went behind my back. I don't want to have that memory of someone i love.

I take a deep breath and think.. do i really want this?

"We should break up."

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