Thirty three

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After we finished filming, Grayson wanted to quickly edit the video so that it would be ready to post by tonight. I could tell he was really happy to finally be able to make our relationship public, honestly i was too. Maybe it was the right thing to do, Grayson wasn't my little secret anymore.

As he was editing i was downstairs in the kitchen making us both a hot chocolate, with extra chocolate for him since he loved it. I went upstairs with the two mugs in my hands and walked into my room. Grayson had his back leaned against the chair and stretched out his body.

"You finished editing babe?" i asked handing him the hot chocolate. His face instantly lit up as he saw the drink and nodded.

"Almost," he said. I smile and sit back down on my bed putting the drink to the side, scrolling through my phone. He plops down right next to me and wraps his arms all over me.

"Let me take a break for a little bit," he said as his voice muffled into my chest. I play with his hair and we lay there in a comfortable silence for a few seconds.

He looks up at me with his gorgeous olive eyes and smirks. He connects his lips to my neck, removing my hair with his hand behind my ear. I let out a small moan as he finds my sweet spot instantly. Cheeky. I could feel him smiling as he continues to kiss and suck on the areas of my neck, making his way down to my chest.

I bit my bottom lip as he cups my breast in his hand. He moves himself in a position to where he was hovering over me and i felt his huge bulge growing on me. No doubt, he was turning me on. I knew what his intentions were, so why not play around with him?

I pull him down closer to my face and whisper into his ear.

"Daddy," i say while grinning. That one word was all it took for him to look at me like he craved me.

He rubs his length against me and he was really, REALLY turned on

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He rubs his length against me and he was really, REALLY turned on. I place my hand over his growing member and palm it. He comes back down and whispers into my ear,

"Tell me what you want princess,"

I moan as he continues grinding against my heat and try my best to keep my composure.

"I want.. hot chocolate. It's getting cold," i say with a smirk as i flip us over so that i was now straddling him. I leaned over the bed to the drawer and grab my mug of hot chocolate and take a sip.

The look on his face was priceless. He licked his lips as he realised what i had just done. As soon as i placed my mug back on the table, he picks me up with my legs wrapped around his waist and pins me up against the wall. His hands roamed my body and they went from my thighs making it up to my throat.

He slightly put pressure around it as he leans in and says,

"Don't mess with me. I'm gonna fuck you so hard one day you won't be able to walk."

He puts me down and walks away back to the computer to continue editing and just leaves me there in shock.

I thought to myself -
Maybe that wouldn't be so bad ;)

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now