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Aaliyah's POV

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs as i was playing candy crush on my phone. It was Grayson. He was rather quiet, most of the time he would scare me or jump on me attacking me with kisses but no, he just sat down next to me and watched whatever was on the TV.

I look over at his face that was focused on the screen. Looking at every perfect feature, his eyes, lips and obviously his masculine jawline. I cuddled into his chest wrapping my arms around his waist. He was tense but soon loosened up and hugged me back. I look up at staring into his dark eyes. He looks back at me and i smile.

I lean in grabbing his face and feeling the warmth of his lips touch mine. The kiss went on for a few seconds then i pulled away to catch my breathe. He made me feel some type of way. I start thinking about how he just started acting a bit weird and awkward, all those thoughts went away when i felt his lips on mine once again.

He wraps his hand around my throat gently, making me look deep into his eyes. I wish i knew what he was thinking. His eyes were so full of lust and attraction.

"Let me make love to you," he whispers into my ear, kissing down my neck and making his way back to my lips. I moan from how aroused he was getting me. He moves his hands from my back clamping onto my waist as i wrap my arms around his neck. He moves deeper into the kiss, i don't know how this was even possible.

Just as i felt him tug on the bottom of my shirt, i snap back into reality and gently push against his chest. He gave me a weird confusing look.

"Gray, we're in the living room and Ethans upstairs," i hear Grayson mutter under his breath in frustration,

"Fucking Ethan." That caused me to giggle and i snuggled into his chest as he pulls me into his big arms.

Speaking of the devil, Ethans footsteps are heard as he makes his way down the stair case and plops down on the couch opposite both of us.

"You guys ready to go to school today?" he asks while running his fingers through his hair. Grayson and i both looked at eachother and i quickly looked around in search of my phone for the time.

8:25am. I jumped up off the couch and went straight to Grayson's room and started getting dressed. We were gonna be so late, how did i forget we have school today?

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