Forty six

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Aaliyah's POV

"Ally? Alllllllllyyyyy," i flinch a little as i wake up from my sleep. I hear Grayson's voice and i sit up straight because it sounded like he was right here with me. I look around my room and see no one. I pout in confusion and i hear a little laugh. I look down at my bed where i fell asleep with my phone on my pillow. I see Gray laughing his ass off on the other side.

"What are you laughing at?" i ask rubbing my eyes.

"You shot straight up to the sound of my voice," he replied. It's true. I miss being in his arms and being comforted by him playing with my hair and rubbing circles with his thumb on my inner thigh. He didn't want to end the call because he wanted to be able to say good morning right when i woke up. He's such a sweetheart.

"How are your family in Jersey? Any plans today?" i ask him.

"They're good, i'm going to go out with my parents in a bit to catch up since i didn't have dinner with them last night. Probably go explore with Ethan as always later too." I chuckle under my breath reminding myself that he'll probably go cliff jumping or climbing trees. It's his favourite things to do.

"Don't hurt yourself like every other time. Don't want you breaking your arm when you fell from the top tree branch last year," i say clicking my tongue. He rolled his eyes and i see him just stare at me intensely.

"Do i have something on my face?"

"Sorry you just look so beautiful in the morning. How do you manage to look good all the damn time?" he says and it absolutely melts my heart. I blush covering my face with my blanket and i can't stop myself from smiling.

"I wish you were here Gray," i say quietly as i think in my head. His happy face turns into a sad one and i realise i shouldn't have ruined the mood like that.

"I miss you too baby. We'll be together soon, i'll fly you out here before we go on tour. Maybe you can even come on tour with us?" he suggests. My eyes widen as if he's gone insane.

"I have to finish school Grayson! I can't this year i'm sorry. I'll definitely come out to visit you though but i'll probably only have 2 weeks with you."

He pouts his lips and i just admire him. His facial features were so beautifully put together. God, Lisa and Sean has blessed me with their son.

Ethan's POV

I walked in to Gray's room early in the morning to find him fallen asleep on the facetime with Ally. I was going to ask him to go out for breakfast but never mind. I think they worked things out, i mean why else would they still be on the call together. I'll be happy if they got back together but a part of me hopes that Grayon gets his act together. We've known Aaliyah for so long and i just don't want anything effecting our relationships.

I didn't want to wake him up so i just slowly closed his bedroom door and went back into mine. I checked my social medias like twitter and instagram, liking a few #tuesdayselfie 's and art pieces. The fandom is so talented that i can't even believe they make art for me, i'm so appreciative of them they have no idea no matter how many times i express it.

As i'm scrolling on my phone a text message pops up from Amy. We had a little argument about what happened the other day at the beach but i think we're all good now. She might still be a little mad because she said i didn't trust her enough or at all. I don't know what i was thinking but i was stressed and just being away from her was already hard enough.

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