Forty one

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I could barely sleep last night. I opened my eyes to the bright sunlight shining through my blinds. I could already feel the bags underneath my eyes grow darker. My mind was still thinking about whether or not i should go to the airport today.

It was already 12pm. They leave in 3 hours

So many things were going through my mind. Would Grayson be happy to see me? Does he know i'm coming? Why didn't he tell me sooner? I wish i knew. I also wanted to say goodbye to Ethan. Amy told me they were going on tour and that was why they were leaving for 10 months, also because they wanted to be with their family.

I haven't seen Gray's family in months. I missed Lisa and Sean, especially Cameron. Cameron and i were like best friends and we still are, despite everything that happens between Grayson and i. She always pulled me back on track and told me the right things to do, she never led me wrong.

*ring ring*

Me: Hi Aaliyah's not here at the moment, leave a message at the bee—-
Amy: Oh shut up, are you coming today or what?
Me: I don't know Amy.. it's so hard
Amy: Honey, you're not going to see him for almost a year. You need this. You can't send him off like this.
Me: He probably doesn't even care
Amy: Bitch he's all expresso depresso because of you
Me: Then why would he end it with me?

I felt a tear drop from my eye that i didn't know i had. Thinking of Grayson just hurt.

Amy: You're not suppose to hear it from me, but Grayson didn't end it because he didn't love you. Or that he thought that he didn't deserve you
Me: Hold up.. what?
Amy: He broke up with you because he was gonna be gone for 10 months. He said he thought long distance wouldn't work
Me: You're kidding? That's the reason why?

Amy and i talked on the phone for a bit longer and then she hung up to go help Ethan because they were leaving soon. My mind was running wild.

All this time i just thought Grayson didn't feel the same way. In reality he was just leaving? What a joke. He really got me in my feelings for this. I had half an hour to decide if i was going to go to the airport.

Grayson's POV

I'm leaving today. Leaving LA. I'm going to see my family soon, and i'm going to go on tour and meet the people who made my dreams come true. I was going to be fine, i convinced myself i was going to be happy.

I didn't have any expectations of her to come see me today. I don't blame her.

I threw my luggage in the trunk of my car and began driving to the airport with Ethan and Amy both in the back seat.

"You guys want some breakfast?" i asked them.

I could see them looking at each other then nodding their heads in the mirror. I stopped by Ihop really quickly because we were on a tight schedule. We really didn't want to be late but also not be late on an empty stomach.

We walked in and were escorted right away to a table near by the window. We ordered our usual and while we waited, we made small conversation mainly from Amy.

"So, you guys excited? Seeing your family and going on tour!" she says with a huge smile. Ethan just looks at her with a big smile on his face, but i knew deep down he was hurting just like i was. He was going to obviously miss her and he wasn't prepared for this but he's pushing through.

"I swear i'm probably going to be sleeping the whole time from being so jet lagged!" Ethan said just as our food came out. We dug into our food straight away.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now