Twenty two

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"I love you Gray," i say as i look into his beautiful, green hazel eyes. He makes me feel some type of way. I knew in my mind that no guy could ever make me feel the same.

He slowly caresses my cheek with his thumb and pulls me in closer to him. His soft plump lips moving in sync with mine. It was as if they were made for each other. I push him back onto his bed as i hover over him. I could tell this surprised him, i could feel him smiling as we kissed.

My legs were on either side of his body, our chests touching and our arms wrapped around one another. Our lips stayed in touch as Grayson trails down my back to my waist with his hands. I slowly start grinding on him as i felt him getting hard, his hands moving in time with my waist causing him to buck his hips.

Grayson pulls away from our long, heated kiss and stares into my eyes.

"You're beautiful, Aaliyah, You're so fucking beautiful, and you are all mine," i blush as he flips us over so now he was on top.

"I'll never get tired of making love to you," he whispers into my ear. Kissing my neck making his way down to my shoulders. His hands trail from my waist up to the band of my shirt. I arch my back as he lifts it up and over my head leaving me in my bra. He leans down leaving trails of kisses down my stomach, i close my eyes taking in the pleasure.

He unbuttons my shorts and slip them off throwing them somewhere on the floor. He hovers over me licking his lips seductively, scanning every part of my body that was only for him. He shakes his head in disbelief,

"The things you do to me, Aaliyah. I'm going to make you feel it all at once." No doubt he knew how to turn me on. This would be the second time we were going to do it, and this time he was being so gentle and loving.

He sits himself down at the end of the bed and pulls me by my ankles towards him. So close that i could feel his breath on my heat.

"Stop teasing me Gray," i say being impatient. He gives me a smirk.

"Or what?" he asks raising an eyebrow. Before i could even answer he rubs my spot in a fast circular motion with his thumb. I slightly arch my back and let out a moan.

He slips his finger through and pulls my thong to the side. I felt his warm soft tongue in me, tasting me.

"F-Fuck Gray," i manage to say.

"As you wish princess," he says and with that, he slides in 2 fingers while i still feel his tongue on my heat.

I grab his hair as i'm panting heavily trying to keep myself together. I felt myself coming to my high as Grayson licked me down all over. He comes up face to face and kisses me hard. Goddamn it was hot.

I pull his shirt over his head and place my hands on his bare toned chest. He unbuckles his pants and pulls down his boxers along with them throwing them onto the floor. He seperates my legs and comes in between them arranging his length at my entrance.

He slid into me slowly hearing me moan louder as he puts all of him in me. He continuously does it going faster each time. I dug my nails into his back for sure leaving marks there tomorrow. Our eyes meet and i see a grin come from the corner of his mouth as his lips meet my ear.

"You're so wet Ally." He bangs into me harder and faster making me moan louder, grabbing onto the bed sheets. His left hand moving from my waist up to my breast, his right moving up wrapping around my throat. He knew i loved that.

The room was filled with moans and grunts and i felt his thrusts loosening up. I flip us over so that i was now in control and i start pumping his length.

"Ally.... ugh," he says covering his face from the pleasure, his hands running through his hair. I take all of him into my mouth as i felt that warm liquid fill up inside me and onto my face. My eyes never left contact with his as i see a smile come onto his face.

"Don't be so bold princess, remember i'm still dominant in the bedroom," he says with a smirk, kissing my forehead.

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