Eighty one

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Aaliyah's POV

I unlocked the door to our hotel room and i was immediately pushed up against the wall. My eyes staring up at him as he licks his lips. His foot kicks the door closed and his hands begin roam my body.

His hands caressed my hips and gave them a tight squeeze which caught me off guard. Grayson was the one in control tonight, and that's how he liked it. He turned me around so that my back was facing him and his hand lays on my ass. I bite my lip as he gives it a hard slap.

"Don't make a sound," he whispers sternly into my ear. I close my eyes and nod though he can't see my face. I was definitely turned on.

He moved my hair to the right side of my shoulder and left wet, soft kisses down my neck. His hand slipped from my ass and wandered down to my heat and started rubbing circles from behind. I so badly wanted so make a sound but just kept my bottom lip in between my teeth to stop myself.

Grayson slowly began unbuttoning my pants and pulled them down to my ankles revealing my black lace underwear. I stepped out of them and he threw them somewhere in the room. His hands returns to my heat and i could feel him smirk against my warm skin.

"Wet already baby? We haven't even started," he chuckles. That was such a fucking turn on, he knows what he's doing to me and he does it so well.

I feel his hand wrap around my hair slightly he tugs it back and his other large hand placed on my cheek. He pulls me into a deep kiss and our tongues fighting for dominance. My arms wrap around his neck and i jump as my legs go around his waist.

He carries me over to the couch and lays me down. I pull away from the kiss and look at him with a confused look on my face.

"You're gonna fuck me on the couch?" i ask giggling. He just grins and licks his lips as his eyes roam my body.

"I'm gonna fuck you right in front of this view," he says nodding his head over to the window. Our windows were tinted so we could see outside but they couldn't see us. The lights from the city were shining bright and honestly i didn't mind. I mean, look at the view i have of Gray.

He pulls his shirt over his head and comes back down to connect his lips with mine. His lips slowly move down to my jawline and to my neck. I could feel the sensation of hickies forming as he sucks on my neck leaving marks showing everyone i belong to him.

"Oh Gray.." i moan. He smirks as he tugs on the bottom of my shirt indicating for me to raise my arms so he could take it off. I do as he told me to and i was now left in my black matching lingerie, which he loved.

"Fuck you look so beautiful. I'm trying my hardest to make love to you but i'm struggling to not just fuck you senseless right here," he groans.

"You can make love to me and fuck me senseless you idiot," i giggle into his chest.

"What did you just call me? That's not my name," he smirks. His hand slowly reaching up to my neck and wraps around it slightly. I loved it when he did that. It showed how dominant he was.

"Daddy," i whisper seductively into his ear. He closes his eyes taking in my words and leaning down towards my chest. His one hand squeezing my breast as the other goes behind my back and unclips my bra.

One less layer of clothing between us.

He begins grinding our sexes together earning a moan from both him and i. The rough material from his jeans and nothing but just my underwear seperating us.

"Come on Gray.." i moan wanting more. He sucks on the skin of my breasts.

"Eager, are we?" he teases as he loops his finger through my underwear and slowly tugs in off my body. My hands went straight to the buttons of his jeans and i unzip them. He quickly takes them off and finds a condom in his pocket before throwing them onto the floor.

"You're not ready baby," he whispers into my ear. Without warning he inserts himself into me and i arch my back in pleasure. I grip onto his back surely leaving nail marks the next day. He thrusts faster and harder and stays at that pace causing me to lose control of my body.

"G-Gray.. fuck yes," i stutter. His hand reaches up wrapping around my neck once again applying slight pressure.

"What's my name?" he says grunting as he thrusts once more.

"Daddy fuck yes," i manage to say. He lifts my leg up over his shoulder and he hits the spot i didn't know that he could. I struggle to contain the profanities leaving my mouth. The hot air fills the atmosphere as we sweat from our foreheads and the bed creaking as he fucks me harder.

"God, you're so fucking gorgeous," he pants. I feel myself reaching my high and he rubs my heat as he continues going in and out of me making me go over the edge. As i climaxed, i flipped us over so that i was now riding him. The look of surprise on his face as he smirks at the sight of me on top of him.

"We should fuck in this position more often," he says as he bites his lip. We both moan as i slide down his huge length and i ride him at a fast pace. His large hands grip onto my hips as he helps me move faster causing him to moan. It was the hottest thing i have ever heard.

I lean forward holding onto the bed frame and he sucks on my breasts right in front of his face. I throw my head back in pleasure as his hips buck into my heat faster and harder.

"Fuck yes Grayson, just like that," i say moving down and connecting my lips to his.

"I'm close," he mutters. He thrusts in me a few more times before flipping us over and pulling out cumming onto my stomach. We lay on the bed in silence panting, trying to catch our breaths.

We turn our heads to look at each other and i see the sweat running down his face. I laugh causing him to as well, and i roll over to cuddle him. Our hot, naked bodies intertwined after the love we just made.

He looks down at me and kisses my lips passionately. My fingers trace up and down his abs and occasionally grazing over his dick making his hips buck. Grayson groans and rolls over on top of me grinning.

"Round 2?"

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