Seventy eight

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Aaliyah's POV

"Aaliyah wake up," i hear as someone nudges me on my shoulder. I wave my arm around accidentally hitting the figure in my room. I peek my eyes through the blanket to take a quick look at who i hit.

"I can see you Ally, now get up," Ethan says rubbing the side of his head.

"Sorry.." i slyly reply, trying not to laugh. I take a deep breath and stretch out my body on the body.

"Why are you here? What about Grayson?" I asked him.

"He told me to come get you, and i asked Kyle to wake you up but he didn't feel comfortable," Ethan said rolling his eyes. I giggle at the fact that Kyle didn't want to walk into a woman's room without her permission. What a real man.

"Anyways, i called and texted you heaps but you never replied so i came to get you, so now i'm here. Now hurry up so we can go back to Gray," Ethan said walking out the room. I nodded my head slowly and dragged my lifeless body out of the warm, comfortable bed. I splashed my face with cold water in an attempt to wake myself up, and it definitely worked.

I called Lisa and Sean last night when i got back to the apartment. Apparently they had already spoken to Ethan and they wanted to come down to see how Grayson was doing, they were so concerned and wanted to come down to London to see him. Ethan told them that he was better now and there was no need to travel all the way here, but i think that they should. So i bought Lisa and Sean flight tickets to London and they should be arriving around 10 in the morning today.


"How are you Lisa?" I asked as she picked up the phone. We instantly started talking about Grayson and how he was doing. I honestly admired a mother like her. She was always so involved in Ethan and Grayson's life, i was jealous to be honest.

"Ethan told me that we didn't need to come and see him because he's getting better," Sean explained.

"No please, let me buy you a ticket. It's the least i can do, and i reckon you should see Gray. It's been a while, and i bet he'll feel better if he gets to see you both," i begged. I could hear Lisa and Sean talking over the phone abut whether they should or not.

"Honey, it's too much to ask. We appreciate it but i think we'll be okay," Lisa reassured me. They are honestly too humble for their own good. It wasn't specifically a bad thing, but definitely a war to fight back.

"Lisa please. I love your son and i know you both want to be here with him. I'm buying your ticket, start packing! I'm getting one for Cameron too, so tell her for me please. I'll send you the details about your flights in half an hour or something. Love you!" I say as i hang up the phone before they could respond to me.

I mentally laugh and begin searching up the next flight that was the best time for them.


"Ally if you don't hurry up i'm leaving without you. I don't care if Gray yells at me," Ethan says standing at the bathroom door. I flip him off before returning back to applying my mascara.

"I'm done, i'm done," i say walking out the door. I grab my purse and phone and Ethan dragged me out to the hospital. I asked Kyle to go pick up their parents around 9:30am. It was currently 8am and i was literally hating Ethan for waking me up so early.

Ethan tried making small talk with me but i just ignored him and listening to my music trying to have a short nap before we arrived. Before i knew it, he pulled into the parking space and we started walking up to Grayson's room. I knocked before opening the door and i could hear his deep, musky voice from the other side telling me to come in.

"Hey baby, how you feeling?" I walk up to him and peck his lips. He smiles in return.

"So much better, now that you're here," I can't help but let a smile show up on my face. Ethan just sits down in the corner of the room making gagging noises. Time passes and all we've been doing was talking about plans for continuing their tour. I could tell the boys were completely stressed out about what to do, but i know whatever will happen, the fans will be there with them.

"Are you stupid? You can't go back on tour in 2 weeks. Gray's surgery takes at least 3 to 4 weeks just to recover fully. I don't want him getting sick again right after he just started getting better," i argue. I didn't mean to sound like his mom but i was serious. Speaking of his mom, Lisa and Sean walks straight through the door with Kyle standing outside as security.

"Mom? Dad?" Grayson asks. No Sherlock, a rock walked into your room. I roll my eyes and slightly hit the back of his head, he just laughs it off. Lisa and Sean pulls Grayson into their arms and they share a moment. Ethan shortly joins in, as i was about to walk out and let them have their privacy, Lisa speaks up.

"Come here Ally, you're part of this family too," she says gesturing for me to come over. I stand there frozen for a moment before i smile back and walk over to join everyone. Lisa, Sean and Ethan all sit down on the chairs and i sit next to Gray on his bed.

"How did you get here? I thought Ethan said you didn't need to come," Grayson asked. He looks over to Ethan and Ethan shrugs his shoulders unsure.

"Actually Aaliyah bought us the tickets. She wouldn't take no for an answer, so now we're here. Thank your girlfriend, she's a keeper," Sean chuckles. Grayson looks up at me and gives me the brightest smile i have ever seen in a while.

"Thankyou baby, i really appreciate you."

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