Sixty three

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Aaliyah's POV

You know i wish i just had a normal life sometimes. I wish that i was just a normal girl getting heart broken and her life was private. Unfortunately i can't do anything to change that anymore. My life is beyond anywhere near private, i can't do anything without an article being written about me. Sigh.

Not going to lie, i felt like i was going break down at any point of the day. I was miserable. I continued isolating myself from everybody but of course that didn't work because they all wanted to check up on me. I even decided to torture myself and watch the romantic edits of Grayson and i. It made me feel some type of way but i know i can't have him.

Cam❣️: Hey babe, you good?
Me: Wish i could say i was
Cam❣️: I'm going to fucking kill Grayson.
Me: No no it's okay. I guess it just meant we weren't suppose to be together
Cam❣️: You guys are perfect for eachother and you know it. Listen i know my brother can be an idiot sometimes but he's good for you. I don't want to lose you Ally
Me: Hey this has happened before and that didn't stop us from being friends. Just because i'm not with Gray anymore doesn't mean we won't see eachother.
Cam❣️: Just talk to him please? Just hear him out

I leave the message on read and just massage my temples. I didn't know what to do. I scrolled through the messages in my phone until i found Grayson's name. I opened the unread notifications and began reading through every message he sent me within these past weeks.

Grayson: Aaliyah please talk to me
Grayson: You're my everything i swear on it
Grayson: I just missed you so much i didn't know what i was doing and i know that's not an excuse.
Grayson: I was just stupid
Grayson: Can we please just start over? Again..
Grayson: I can't lose you, i feel like i'm going crazy without you.

I sigh as i look back on the messages. I told myself i wouldn't go back to someone that made me look like a fool, but i'm foolishly in love with that person.

Me: I miss you Grayson.. but i don't know if i want to put myself in this position again.

As my message sent i got a notification from instagram letting me know Grayson posted a photo. I decided to check it out as i pressed it and lead me to his instagram page.

@graysondolan This girl is my everything, and i put that on everything

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This girl is my everything, and i put that on everything. I will always love you Aaliyah.

I felt my heart burn inside my body, like that feeling when you feel so surprised and shocked. I wasn't expecting this and looking at the comments, i don't think anyone else did either.

@dolantwins1999: I wish they were still together 😭😭❤️
@ethandolannnnnn: 😩😩😩
@aallymon: This is the cutest shit i've ever seen Gray post
@misterasshelmet: WHIPPPPPPEDDDDD
@camdol: That's my brother
@ethandolan: That's my brother
@aaliyahmontaneo: I love you G.

I got many @'s and mentions and replies from my comment on his post. I contemplated on whether i should have really said that but i mean, i'm telling the truth.

Grayson: I'm flying back to LA.
Me: Wait what?
Grayson: We need to see each other. I need to see you. I miss you so damn much.

Grayson Dolan, you're making the process of getting over you so much harder than it should be.


Just a filler chapter but i hope you love the book so far!! I'm not planning on finishing the book even though there's so many chapters already :)) I want to have over 100 chapters and then MAYBE write a sequel, what do you think? ❤️

Thankyou for the love for the book so far, love you xox

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