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Aaliyah's POV

"We're going to go upstairs," Grayson says to Ethan and Amy finally giving in. He grabs my hand and leads me upstairs to his childhood room. We haven't done anything intimate in weeks and i've never craved him so much.

We made it outside his door and he opened it letting me in first. I walked through and felt a hand grab onto my ass, typical. I do a 360 turn in his room remembering that his room stayed exactly the same from all these years.

"My parents never touched my room if that's what you're wondering," Grayson says chuckling.

"You read my mind," I say as he walks closer to me. He slowly pushes me onto the bed hovering on top of me, and his face only a few centimetres away from mine.

"Can you read my mind right now?" Grayson says and he leans in connecting our lips. My fingers tangled in his hair as his hands roam the perimeters of my body. His hands touching all the sweet places that makes me moan into our kiss. I felt my top being slowly moved up and i arched my back allowing space for him to remove my item of clothing.

He kisses down from my neck down the valley of my chest and caress my boobs. I bite down on my bottom lip as the pleasure takes over. I felt his lips make it down to the waistline of my pants and they were off in no time wasted. My pants were thrown somewhere in the room and i was left in my matching red bra and underwear.

"You're wearing too much it's annoying me," i say while our lips were connected. We both laugh and he slips off his shirt in one swift motion. Grayson unhooks my bra and admired what he sees.

"God you're amazing," he says.

He looks at me in my eyes as his one hand moves down to my heat. His fingers slowly circling my area but not actually and it was killing me.

"This isn't funny Grayson," i say kissing onto his neck. A smirk appears on his face and deepen our kiss. He begins to grind on me but teasingly. Ugh.

I flip us over so that now i was on top. Grayson's eyebrow raised and his smirk grew bigger.

"Impatient are we?" he asks.

"Yes i am now fuck me," i say laughing.

I quickly unbutton his pants and he helps me take it off along with his boxers. He grabs the condom from his pocket and slips it on. I didn't even care about foreplay i just wanted him to make me feel good as fast as possible. He adjusted himself at my entrance and leaned in closer to lay a kiss on my shoulder. I felt my underwear being pulled off and he teasingly put in the tip making me roll my eyes back in pleasure.

He smirked. He's so annoying. Grayson continuously kept sticking in the tip and out. I pull his face down closer to mine and look into his eyes as our foreheads collide.

"If you don't fuck me right now i'm going to make you cum in less than 15 sec—," He pushed all of him into me. I bit my bottom lip and moan louder and louder with every thrust. He picks up the pace as his grip on my hips gets harder surely leaving bruises the next day.

He picks up my right leg and puts it over his shoulder. You question his new position but he hits the right spot over and over making you scream.

"Daddy," you moan. He goes
and faster
slamming into your body.

I felt myself coming to my high but he continued on. His thrusts became sloppier and soon pulled out releasing onto your stomach.

Grayson disposes of the used condom and gets a towel to clean up his little mess on my stomach.
He plops himself down next to me on the bed as we lay there in a comfortable silence. He turns on his side facing me and pulls me into his arms. Him occasionally leaving kisses and marks on my neck and shoulder.

"I've never loved someone as much as you. You've changed me into a better me," he says whispering into my ear. I smile to myself and felt my heart beat irregularly. I take his hand and place it where my heart is.

"You do this to me Grayson. My heart still beats for you like this after so long. You keep me alive."

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now