Eighty six

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Aaliyah's POV

"Bitch wake up!" I groan as my body stretches itself out on the bed. I slowly open my eyes to see Amy standing in front of me with her hand on her waist.

"Why are you so loud in the morning?" i ask as i rub my eyes. She scoffs before she bursts out laughing.

"Babe! It's only been an hour since your nap and you think it's morning?! We haven't even gone out for dinner yet which you're making us late for! Get up and get dressed, we're going soon," she nags and she walks out the room.

I feel a pair of big arms wrap around me and i could feel Gray's hot breath on my neck.

"Why is she so loud?" he groans. I couldn't help but smile. As if he didn't hear her little rant just then. Just shows how much of a heavy sleeper he is.

"We gotta get ready for dinner baby," i say kissing his cheek and pulling the blanket off of my now cold body. Grayson sits up and cracks his back and he sighs in relief.

"That felt good. It's good to be home with you," he says. My heart was fluttering and i look down at the ground blushing.

"It's good to have you home too Gray."

I grab my bag from underneath his bed, that i brought over knowing we were going out tonight. I pulled out my outfit with a pair of black boots. Slowly, i began removing the layers of my clothes.

"Don't tease me right now. You know i can't control myself," Grayson says leaning against the wall in front of my bathroom. I roll my eyes and flip him off as i put on my outfit.

Grayson walks over to me and places both his hands on either side of my waist

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Grayson walks over to me and places both his hands on either side of my waist. He takes a good look at my body up and down and smiles at me.

"You look beautiful baby," he whispers as he kisses the sweet spot behind my ear. His hand traces down from my shoulder to my fingers and he smiles while looking at my hand.

"You're wearing the ring i gave you," he says happily.

"I haven't taken it off ever since." He leans down placing a soft kiss on my lips, whispering 'i love you' before walking away to get ready.

Grayson walks out from the bathroom running his hands through his hair and gives me 'the look

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Grayson walks out from the bathroom running his hands through his hair and gives me 'the look.' (Picture above)

"You're turning me on right now," i say walking towards him and fixing the collar on his leather jacket.

"We look good together. Now let's get going so i can come home early and fuck the shit out of you," he smirks. I grab his hand in mine and we walk out of his room to see Ethan with Amy on top of him sitting on the couch.

"Woah," Grayson exclaims. Ethan and Amy sat there speechless and embarrassed not knowing what to do.

"Can your horny asses wait until after dinner?" i ask trying to contain my laughter.

"Shut up Ally, let's go. You guys took forever," Amy replied.

Grayson grabs his keys from the counter and we all make our way to the garage, locking the door behind us.

"Where to eat?" Grayson asks opening my car door for me. Amy and Ethan climb into the backseat, and i take the passenger.

"Italian?" Ethan suggests.

"We are not going out dressed up just to eat pizza E," Amy says shaking her head at her boyfriend.

"What about that nice Sushi restaurant downtown? The place we use to go to way back then," i suggested. I could see everyone nodding their head agreeing with me.

"Sushi it is," Grayson confirms. He starts the ignition and he begins driving to downtown.

"Table for four?" The waitress asks.
She leads us to our table which we requested was upstairs close to the window. I loved watching the view of the city as we ate, it relaxed me.

Our waitress distributes the menus to all of us and takes out her note and pen.

"Any drinks for the moment?"

"Just water for all please," i reply.

"No worries, just let me know when you're ready to order," she says smiling before walking away to serve another table.

"It's so beautiful out there," Amy says admiring the view from outside. I feel Grayson's arm placed over my shoulder and i look at the boy i love.

"I can't believe you boys are back after 10 long months," i say.

"Those months were the best, yet longest months of my life. It was worth it though," Ethan replied. Grayson showed me some photos that he took from tour on his phone and they looked amazing.

Both boys had the widest smiles i had ever seen in a long time, and it made me happy to know that they had changed the many lives that were in these photos.

"I protest for a Dolan Twin and Alliyah tour!" Amy yells.

"Amy shut up! People are looking at us," i scold at her.

"Oh who cares! I want that tour now," Amy says sarcastically. We all laugh together as our waitress comes back with our drinks.

"Ready to order?"

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