Fifty seven

345 2 1

3 months later
Aaliyah's POV

Grayson's been on tour for a few months now and i'm dying because i haven't seen him for that amount of time. We facetime and text whenever he's free and i usually stay up till late just to talk to him. I missed him.

I came back to LA and my life went back to normal; stressful and a pain in the ass. Amy finally told Ethan the situation between her and her dad, surprisingly he took it pretty well. He was obviously upset that she didn't tell him sooner but he understood and promised to stick by her no matter what. Speaking of which, Amy is having a hard time missing Ethan too.

Ethan and Grayson were currently in Italy, the home of pizza; their favourite food. They were probably loving it over there. I would watch their weekly Tuesday video and it warmed up my heart to know Grayson was having the time of his life.

Amy and i had a jamming session last night so i decided to post a picture to Instagram.

@aaliyahmontaneo Grayson is the only one who pulls my heart strings 👀🤷‍♀️

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Grayson is the only one who pulls my heart strings 👀🤷‍♀️

I chuckled at my own caption and start looking through the comments that were rolling in.

@dolanbae: YESSSSSSS
@iamaaliyah: This is adorable
@dolantwinss98: I STAN THE CUTEST COUPLE 😩😩👏
@amyrusso: That's my guitar
@montanators: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
@graysondolan: My princess
@ethandolan: Get it sis
@hypedolan: love it 😭😭 the caption 💕

As i liked the comments, a notification popped up on my screen.

Baby💖✨: So i pull your heart strings huh?
Me: What about it 🧐
Baby💖✨: You're so fucking beautiful, you know that?
Baby💖✨: Baby you don't know much i wish you were here
Me: I know but at least you're having a good time, i'm thankful
Baby💖✨: I'm sorry i take so long to reply sometimes or pick up your call, i've just been so busy
Me: Gray really its okay, i understand

I would be lying if i said that our relationship was stable. He would constantly apologise for the late calls and texts and i would keep telling him to not to worry, and by the time we get that out of the way he would have to go somewhere or he ended up falling asleep. I know he's trying but it was hard for me. Being thousands of miles away from my baby and we could barely keep a 5 minute conversation.

Incoming Facetime call from Baby💖✨

My eyes lit up immediately as i saw those words appear on my screen. I quickly answered and there he was. His bright smile that i love, and floppy hair that was constantly in his face.

"MY BABY!" i yelled into the phone. He laughed and said hello back. I asked him about the places he visited and he asked me how school was; a bit depressing if you ask me.

His deep voice really calmed me down as he watched me do my English essay, and he was somewhat helpful trying to find big words for me to use. He's so precious. He was wearing his white Dolan Twins hoodie and he looked so warm and comfy. Gray kept staring at me while i was hard at work and it was kinda distracting to be honest, i mean look how fricking hot the kid is.

"Do you want a photo? It'll last longer," i finally said chuckling.

"Actually yes please, you look gorgeous right now and every other day," he replies and i just roll my eyes to the response.

"Remember our walks on the beach and our first date?" he asks. The memories of us first meeting popped in my head and i began smiling uncontrollably.

For our first date 2 years back, Grayson took me to the beach where he taught me how to surf; to be completely honest i'm still shit. He convinced me to somehow cliff jump with him into the water, and i remember being so terrified but my heart was racing because it was so fun. Grayson wanted to take me to an expensive restaurant but i told him i'd rather have fish&chips because it was more us; our style. I hated eating posh and eating with our hands seemed more fun, you feel me?

We both laughed reminiscing on the memories.

"I'm so jealous of all those fans that get to see you and hug you," i say with a pout.

"Baby you have me for life, they only have me for purely 1 minute the maximum," he says winking. I put my hands into a heart shape and he returns it doing the same.

"GRAYSON HURRY UP!" i hear in the background. Grayson groans and lies on his back on the hotel bed.

"Sorry princess i have rehearsals in 20 minutes," he tells me with a sad face.

"It's okay bub, at least we were able to talk for a longer time today. I'm grateful," i say.

"Me too. I love you my beautiful," he says kissing the phone screen.

"I love you too handsome," i reply cringing and laughing.

We ended the call and i resumed to doing my english essay. Sigh.

Life with Grayson, is just better.

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