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Grayson's POV

This girl drives me crazy. Especially last night. I never knew sex could be so passionate before, and considering it was her first time i hope i made it special for her.

"I'm glad," she speaks up.

"Glad about what?"

"You, Gray. You were my first time." She smiled pulling me into a soft kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Keep it PG please. MY EYES!"

Ethan. He's so extra and has the worst timing. Ugh.

"Hey Eth, come have breakfast with us," Ally walks up and pulls him over to the table.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked them both as they stuff their faces with my pancakes.

"Aaron's throwing a birthday party, lets go!!" Ethan screams.

"Stop being so loud Ethan we're right here," Ally says closing her eyes and blocking her ears.

I let out a laugh as Ethan quietly sat back down eating his pancakes.

"A party sounds good."

Fast forward to 6pm
(Aaliyah's POV)

I hate parties, but i guess if Grayson wants to then i'll try my best to have fun.

I open my closet trying to find an outfit when Grayson pops his head into my room.

"You dressed yet baby?" he asks coming behind wrapping his arms around my waist.

I shake my head and frown with a pout.

"You know i hate parties!!"

"But its Aaron's birthday." He kisses my cheek.

"I know," i sigh.

I finally pick out a dress and i slowly strip off my shirt and shorts.

I see Grayson's eyes scanning my body, looking at every inch and curve of me. A grin grew on his face when he sees me in just bra and panties.

"Or we could just not go, and have some fun here ourselves," Grayson says pushing my hair behind my ear.

I laugh letting him know thats not gonna happen and slip on my dress.

Grayson's jaw dropped

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Grayson's jaw dropped.

"How did i get so damn lucky?" he mutters under his breath, biting his bottom lip.

"I should be asking you that baby, now go get dressed. We're waiting on YOU now," i saw tracing his jawline with my finger.

He rolls his eyes and walks into my bathroom taking off his shirt over his head. He unbuckles his pants, and honestly its so attractive. Grayson starts unbuttoning his jeans when i walk over and place my hand on his growing member.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

I say nothing but smirk not losing eye contact as i slowly go down on him, palming his dick with my hand. I pull down his jeans and boxers and lick his tip. He throws his head back mumbling curse words in pleasure.

"You can't do this to me right now Ally," his breathing gets heavier and he places his hand over my cheek.

I kiss his hand and suck his thumb, then paying attention back to his hard on.

I lick his tip over and over making him shiver. I take him in my mouth little at a time and stroke slowly, teasing him.

"Deeper baby,"

I grin as i take all of him into my mouth.

"Fuck." he says.

And then i stand up and just leave him standing there speechless.

"You're right, we cant do this right now," i say as i wink and walk out of the bathroom.

He quickly changes into his outfit

and comes up behind me first slapping then grabbing my ass tightly, bending me over my dressing table

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and comes up behind me first slapping then grabbing my ass tightly, bending me over my dressing table.

"Don't play with daddy like that again, or you'll get punished. Only bad girls get punished."

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now