Forty four

420 2 1

Grayson's POV

Ethan, Cameron and i got ready for our night out together for the first time in months. We got into Cam's car and she started driving to a restaurant we have loved since we were kids. I sat in the passenger seat and Ethan sat in the back because i called shot gun.

"So what's new with you guys? I saw a lot of drama with you Gray. How's Ally? How's Amy? ," Cameron started the conversation.

"Woah calm down there Cam. You already texted us when you saw the news and article. Little Grayson here broke up with Ally just a week ago," Ethan replied. I turned around and gave him a glare. Cameron really loved Ally and she always scolded me if i ever did anything.

"I swear to God Gray if you hurt Aaliyah, i'm gonna end up having to buy her a sephora gift card and chocolates," she says laughing but also being serious. I roll my eyes.

"How do you love my girlfriend more than you love me? Well, we figured everything out and oh crap!" i exclaimed. I quickly reached for my phone in my pants pocket and looked for Aaliyah's messages. Ethan and Cam looked at me confusingly and asked what was wrong. I'm such an idiot! I can't believe i forgot to reply.

Me: I'm sorry i forgot to reply as soon as i saw your text.
Me: I'll call you in about 2 hours if you're still up beautiful.

I mentally and physically face palm myself. The only person that has been on my mind and i forget to reply to the most important message.

"I always knew you were the dumber twin," Cameron stated. Ethan laughed and we were continuously arguing about who was smarter. Soon enough, Cam drove into the parking lot and found a spot to park her car.

"Table reserved under Dolan please," Cameron said to the front cashier. She looked through the reservations booklet and then lead us to our booth. Ethan sat next to Cam and i sat by myself on the other side.

"I'm ready to grub," Ethan says as we hear his stomach grumble. We all laugh and look at the menu.

Aaliyah's POV

Amy and i cooled off at the beach and it was so relaxing. We sat on the warm sand and watched as the sun went down over us. The sky was a gradient of yellow, pink and purple. The smell of the ocean and sound of the waves made me feel at peace.

As i laid back closing my eyes, i felt a figure come in the way of the sun, blocking it. I peeped open one eye thinking it was Amy, but it wasn't.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but my name is Julian. I just wanted to say i think you're gorgeous," he said. I looked at him blankly before realising i haven't replied.

"Nice to meet you Julian but i have a boyfriend," i said and went back to closing my eyes. His eyes were blue with a tint of green reflecting and his long beach wavy brown hair flows with the wind. His body was built but not as much as Graysons and he had a tattoo of a bird on his shoulder. His skin was a light tan and he was dripping of water as if he just came out from the water.

I heard him talking to Amy as well who was right next to me. His friend wanted Amy's number and she obviously declined. When he told his friend that she didn't want to give her number, he came over personally and introduced himself.

They seem like nice guys but what they're doing is too much, and unattractive.

I spotted some photographers, and being in LA meant that you had no privacy. There were always news reporters, videographers and just people wanting in on good gossip around here. I just kept my head down and Amy seemed to notice as well, doing the same.

We both pick up our bags and begin walking up the mountain of sand to leave when both guys grabbed our wrists. We both retaliated and pulled back our arms and gave them a weird look.

"Hey leave us alone. We asked you nicely." Amy snapped. It took a couple more minutes until they finally left, not before Julian came closer to me and caressed my cheek with his thumb. I pushed his hand away in disgust and he just plays off a mere smirk.

"Remember me baby," was the last thing he said before walking off with his friend.

Amy and i both scoff and walk towards her car. We clean off the sand on our bodies careful not to dirty her car and start driving back to my house.

As we both walk through the door, she drops her keys onto my kitchen counter and i close the door behind me scrolling through
my phone. Oh no.

"Amy look!" i said trying to get her attention. She looks in my direction and i show her what i'm looking at on my twitter feed.

Aaliyah Monanteo and Amy Russo meet up in Santa Monica?

Girlfriends of Grayson and Ethan Dolan were seen at Santa Monica Pier, LA with 2 tall, attractive men. The dynamic four were spotted together at 6pm today spending time at the beach. Photos attached were taken at the scene on the beach, so tell me. Grayson Dolan and Ethan Dolan who? Who are these mysterious men?

My body was boiling from anger and i could tell Amy was cut too. The things that people would do just for a headline or article. Pathetic. We hoped neither of the boys had seen the posts. Grayson had messaged me saying he wanted to call me in an hour or so though, i wasn't in the mood to talk about this or explain what it didn't look like.

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