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I woke up and groaned as i felt my legs whimper in pain. Oh gosh.

I lost my virginity to Grayson Dolan.

The night was perfect honestly, i dont think i couldve asked for anything more.

I slightly moved and flung my arm over the other side of the bed, but it was empty. I woke up to an empty bed expecting Grayson to probably be downstairs.

I removed the blanket from my naked body, and i put on my panties and found one of Grays hoodies from his closet. I make my way downstairs when i see a figure from the corner of my eye.

"Morning Al" said the raspy voice.

"Morning Eth," i rubbed my eyes to try and see him clearer.

"I expect you two are back on track after what i heard last night,"

My eyes widened and i looked down, blushing. I scratch the back of my head trying to figure out a way to avoid this situation, but i couldnt.

"I guess so. Sorry for waking you up." 

Ethan smiles before he makes his way to the bathroom whilst i walk downstairs, slowly since my legs were weak.

I walk into the kitchen to see a shirtless Grayson making breakfast.

"Wow what a sight to see," i giggle taking a seat at the table.

He turns around and flashes me a smile. Perfect.

"Goodmorning princess, howd you sleep?" He sends me a small smirk knowing what he did. Typical.

I roll my eyes. He dipped his index into the pancake mix and walks over in between my legs, and i suck off the mix from his finger.

Grayson licks his lips as he grips onto my thigh, pulling me closer into him.

"You look so sexy in my hoodie," he whispers into my ear.

He makes my heart melt. He kissed up on my neck tracing his fingers over where he left hickeys.

"I love you Gray."

"I love you more gorgeous."

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now