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Aaliyah's POV

"I don't want you to leave," Grayson says as he snuggles into my chest, and my arms wrap around him as we lay in bed. I was going back to LA in 2 days, i needed to get back and finish up work because i've been doing jack shit here. I felt unproductive and i needed to get things done asap. At the same time, i didn't want to part with Gray again. This was always something so hard to do, even though i would see him again.

"We have 2 more months babe," i chuckle. I was definitely happy to be in his arms once again, yet time just passed by so quickly. He sits up from our position and looks straight into my eyes and smiles.

"Let's go on a quick date. You, me and dinner. Let's go to a park and sit and talk. We can go down and check out the Big Ben, i heard it's beautiful at night," he suggested. I smile at his enthusiasm and nod. We both got out of bed and started changing into our clothes. Not too fancy, but we didn't look trashy either.

We grabbed our phones and wallet and ran into the hallways of our hotel room. Ethan was out running an errand with Kyle and Alex. Alex came back on tour with them when Grayson got better.

We stood outside in the cold waiting for our Uber. God, London was freezing my ass off. The only warmth i felt was Gray's hand when it slipped from my waist to my butt. I look at him frowning and he just laughs it off squeezing it even more. I hit his chest playfully as our Uber arrives and we both hop into the backseat.

I stuck my head outside the window taking in the breeze. It was so relaxing and i could see Grayson glancing over at me from his seat with a smile on his face. The city lights and festive music in the background as we drove down the streets of London. It was a perfect night.

The driver pulled up to our destination which was a modern diner. We didn't want to go to through the effort of wearing formal clothes to an expensive restaurant. Gray got out from his seat and walked over to my side and opened my door for me. I took his hand and we walked into the diner where we were greeted by a waiter and guided to our booth.

"This place smells so good, i can't wait to eat," i say as my nose inhales all the different smells of food throughout the store. The waiter comes back with our menus and walks away to serve other customers walking in. Grayson and i talked about what we wanted to order, and to be real i wanted to eat everything because it sounded so good.

"What can i get for you today?" our waiter asked with a pad and pen in his hand.

"Can i get please get the roast lamb with vegetables? And for the drink, just water, " i ask politely

"Make that two please, and also one apple crumble for after our meal," Grayson added. The waiter takes down our order and walks away with our menus. I look out the window since our booth was right next to it and i see people walking down the street, couples hand in hand and kids running around.

"You look beautiful," Grayson says knocking me out of my daydream. I turn my head back at him to see him already staring back at me. I blush and look down at my hands in my lap.

"It's good to see i still have that effect on you," he laughs taking my hand in his and caressing it with his thumb. It was true. I still felt butterflies when i kiss him and i still blush whenever he compliments me. I could never get sick of it.

"I love you Gray. I feel like i don't tell you enough," i say. He shakes his head and kisses the back of my hand.

"I love you most Beautiful. You don't need to tell me, i already know," he replies. Soon our waiter comes out with our food and drinks and we dig in.


"I'm so stuffed," Grayson whines as he pats down his STILL toned stomach. I was actually so jealous, like how come when i eat a little bit i bloat but when he eats HE STILL HAS ABS.

"Just shut up and eat your apple crumble," i say shoving a spoonful of crumble into his mouth, and him happily accepting it of course. We finished up at the diner and we walked randomly down some streets and came across a popular park. It was currently 9pm and there was still so many people.

The lights were lit up everywhere and people were just walking, sitting around and staring at the sky just like us. We've had a couple of people come up to us, take photos and leave. They didn't want to interrupt of time together, which i appreciated although i was very happy to meet them.

We lay down on the grass, my head laying on Gray's arm using it as a pillow, and he uses his other hand resting it behind his head as well.

"I wish we could get away and do this more often," i sigh.

"I agree. I promise once i get back from tour we'll go out on dates more often. I'll love and spoil you more because you deserve it," he says. I giggle and roll my eyes. Gosh, he's so cute.

I roll over so that my top half was laying on his chest and i smile widely as he returns the same.

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing i just love looking at you," i say and i lean in to peck him on the lips.

"I liked that, you should do that more often," he replies. We both laugh and he places his hand on the back of my neck and we go in for another kiss. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth at one point.

"Hey, we're in a public area," i remind him pulling back. His eyebrow raises and whispers into my ear.

"Let's take this somewhere private then."

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