Forty three

427 3 1

Grayson's POV

Ethan and i made it back to our house by uber and unloaded our lugagge. We were soon welcomed home by our parents and Cameron.

"My babies! I haven't seen you in so long," Ma said. Dad came right after and brought me into a huge hug.

"Hey ass clowns," Cam said. I wanted to trip her but i missed her so i pulled her into a hug.

"Miss you too Cam," Ethan and i replied. We walked into the house and settled in with our things. I went upstairs to see what my old room looks like now. I opened the door and i felt happy. They completely left my room the way it was when i left. All there was a bed, a desk and a few photos albums and Kid Cudi posters stuck to the walls.

I felt my phone vibrating like crazy and take it out of my pocket to see what was going on. My phone connected to the wifi and my notifications were blowing up from instagram, snapchat and my messages. I was about to leave it until i saw one message that caught my eye. From Aaliyah.

Aaliyah❤️: Hey Gray
Aaliyah❤️: I miss you like crazy and i can't believe you really left.
Aaliyah❤️: I want to let you know it's okay and i understand. I still love you Grayson and i told you that won't change, no matter how far we are apart. I know what you did was for both of us, but it's not helping and you know that.
Aaliyah❤️: We're good together so please understand that for me. I will wait for you when you come back, as long as you'll do the same. I'm not going to forget you.
Aaliyah❤️: Grayson Bailey fucking Dolan, i am hopelessly in love with you and you BETTER understand that 🤦‍♀️
Aaliyah❤️: Call me, text me or something please. Let's talk.

My face brightened up and my gigantic smile came upon my face as the sun reflected off my teeth. Just as i was about to reply, Ethan walks into my room.

"Hey br— Why are you smiling so much all of a sudden?" he asked raising his eyebrow. I let out a squeal and told Ethan what Aaliyah had texted.

"Hey i'm happy for you. Don't mess it up, you've been given too many chances. Remember that," he says patting his hand on my shoulder.

"What were you going to say when you came in?" i asked remembering he came in for a reason.

"Oh Cam said she wanted to take us out for dinner tonight. Mom and dad have somewhere they need to be so it's just us three." I nod my head in agreement as he makes his way out of my room.

I lay on my bed and i close my eyes. I'm so lucky. God bless my luck. Something just tells me that this isn't going to work though. I don't know. I'm still going to make this work.

Aaliyah's POV

Sigh. Gray still hasn't replied to my message. I know he's gotten it because it says hes read it. I can't help but feel like my heart is sinking into my chest. I sit in a ball on Amy's couch with my head in my knees.

"Hey babe," Amy said snapping out of my thoughts. I look up to face her.

"Let's go to the beach, and eat icecream," she says. I smile and agree. I just know she's trying to get me to ease my mind and forget about Grayson. Although lately it seems that all my mind seems to think of is him.

I drag my feet to her room and sit down at her vanity looking at myself in the big mirror.

I analysed myself. I brush my sparse eyebrow hairs that were never in place. I conceal that really red pimple i had on my forehead. I tie up my long hair up into a high ponytail. I look at my freckles and love the feature i was born with. I sit up straight and tall and stare up and down at my tan skin.

I laugh to myself and think. Never would i ever look at myself and see another person i needed in my future. Grayson what have you done to me? I hate myself because of him, but because of him i love myself. He can be light brought into my world but can surround me in darkness. That's how powerful he is to me. It's scary and new to me.

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