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Grayson's POV

I can't believe she's going out with Adam tomorrow night.

'Gray baby?' Sarah said while pouting.
'Pay attention to me'

I looked at Sarah and knew this wasn't what i wanted. Ever since Aaliyah i just couldn't settle for anyone. They weren't Aaliyah.

Closing my eyes, Sarah started kissing down my jaw and to my neck leaving hickeys everywhere. She tugged at my shirt telling me to take it off. I pushed her hands away lightly.

"I'm not in the mood today, how about we watch a movie instead?"
"But what if i'm in the mood? I can make you feel better." Her fingers travel down my body tracing the outline of my pants.

And i just let it happen. What's wrong with me? This is the same thing that happened 2 months ago, except now i have no Aaliyah and i'm still feeling shit.

Ethan's POV

I know somewhere in Gray's stupid head he still loves Aaliyah. I mean, who wouldn't? She is everything you would want and need in a girlfriend. Aaliyah is loyal, and she's down to do anything if she was crazy for you. She's one chill chick and an insane one if you got to know her that well. She comes off as a shy quiet person but, fuck no she's crazy just like Amy if she wanted to be.

Grayson's too dumb to realise what he had. Aaliyah was everything to him.

*Banging on the wall*

I roll my eyes in disgust and put in my earphones.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now