Twenty seven

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Aaliyah's POV

"So..." i stood there awkwardly waiting for Grayson to explain. I feel like i've been in this predicament too many times, just constantly waiting for him to explain his actions.

"It's not what it looks like. I promise you. Ethan left us for his class and i found out i had class with Angela. We never made it to class, you can probably tell. She kept telling me she wanted to talk but i just told her to stop, and obviously she never did and she ended just confessing all these thin—" i cut him off.

"And how did you feel when she told you those things?" I cross my arms and look at the ground below me, playing with the leaves with me foot.

"You know i would never do that to you Ally. For God sake, i love you," he pleaded.

"We both know that isn't the case Grayson. I know i believe you and i trust you, hell i'm even giving you a second chance. You still avoided my question, like i knew you would. How did you feel when she confessed, G-Grayson?" You could hear the pitch in my tone shake as i ask him. I was scared, because i love this boy but i knew it wasn't all to the story.

He looked away from me and stared into the blue sky that was covered by the grey clouds. Just be honest Grayson, that's all i'm asking from you.

"I keep telling myself that i love you, and i really do. I have to admit when Ethan first told me she was in town, i was scared that what i use to feel would come back. I was scared i would go back to my ways when i hurt you. I want to tell myself i'm a changed person."

I raised an eyebrow and cringed my forehead slightly.

"When Ethan first told you? So that time at school wasn't the first time you knew she was going to be there?"

"No no, i promise it was the only and first time i had seen her. Ethan ran into her once and she told him to pass on her number to me," he explained.

I let out a disappointed sigh.

"If you truly love me Grayson then the thought of having 'old feelings' coming back would never have crossed your mind." He looked back down into my eyes with hurt and distraught, but yet my eyes were reflecting the same. He knew it was true.

"Don't waste my time i spend loving you while you're still trying to figure out your feelings. I'm not here for you to just pass time, i'm here because i care and not once have i ever hurt you the way you hurt me. If you need to decide between me and your ex, then choose her because she should've never came to your mind in the first place," and with that, i start walking away from him.

Grayson obviously tried grabbing my arm holding me back. He pulled me into his embrace hugging me from behind with his arms wrapped around my torso. I close my eyes as a tear slowly drips down my face, and it was fine because he couldn't see me.

"Aaliyah, please don't leave me. I need you, i don't know what i would do without you. We were happy," my hands were by my side. You could hear the sorry and shakiness in his voice. I know he's scared to lose me, but it doesn't mean he can make me feel like an option. I didn't hug him back, i couldn't be weak in this moment. I push out of his arms and turn to face him with my red, puffy eyes. His eyes widening once realising i was crying.

"You're right, we WERE happy. But you were never consistent with your love for me. You had your good and bad days Grayson, and i was there for all of them, but in your heart you never chose me. That's how i feel."

I turn and walk away from him. I heard my name being called from behind me, but i didn't dare look back. You might think i'm exaggerating but if you went through what he put me through and my past, you would understand.

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