Thirty seven

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"What the fuck" i thought when i got up from bed. My legs were in agonising pain and i collapsed onto the floor next to my bed.
"Ow," i said.
I guess i accidentally woke up Grayson when i heard him turn over and saw his hands scan the area of the bed, but then soon realising i wasn't there he sat up.

"Babe?" He said rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"My legs are sore, i just fell," i replied laughing. Grayson didn't say anything except for that smirk on his face that said everything.

"I told you," he said. Huh?

"Told me what?"

"I was gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk," we both ended up laughing and i just rolled my eyes at him. He helped me up only to pull me back into bed with him. His arms draped over my body holding me close.

"Stay like this for a little longer.." he said slowly drifting away into his daydream.

"I love you Grayson,"

"I love you more princess."


Later on in the morning we heard a knock on the door. Well, i did at least - Grayson's a heavy sleeper, and yes we were still in bed (because of him). I removed his huge arms from my body and went downstairs.

"Hey girl!" I smiled when i saw Amy's face at my doorstep.
"I'm here too!" said Ethan walking up my driveway. I greeted both of them and let them in closing the door behind me.

"Why are you still in your pjs?" Ethan asked looking at me confused. It was currently 10:30am.

"Your brother is the reason for this," i said and it made Amy giggle. Ethan nodded and walked off into the kitchen. I sat down next to Amy on the couch and we just started a random conversation.

Ethan walked past us suspiciously and goes upstairs but i didn't really think anything of it, this kid was always somewhat sketchy. Two minutes later i heard a scream - Grayson. Amy and i both looked at each other and quickly ran upstairs only to find a laughing Ethan and angry Grayson.

"ETHAN!!!!" Grayson yelled.

"Uh, what happened?" Amy asked.

"I woke him up from his slumber, that's what," Ethan replied still laughing so hard i could see tears falling out. Grayson just sat back down on the bed in defeat. Ethan had gone into the kitchen to grab an empty glass and went upstairs to fill it up with water. He poured it onto Grayson as he was sleeping, and i gotta admit i wish i saw his reaction.

"Come on, don't be so upset. You're always hanging out with Ally, i don't even get to prank you that much anymore," he said patting Gray's shoulder, which made him less tense. I gave him a kiss on his wet cheek and he smiled.

"Have you both had breakfast yet?" i asked Ethan and Amy.

"No, that's why we came over here to go out and get some with you guys," we all sat in the kitchen deciding on where to eat. Amy and i wanted eggs and toast but the boys had a dangerously unhealthy love for pancakes.

We got into Ethans BMW and he drove us to a diner which was about 10 minutes away from my house. The diner was painted black, red and white and the smell of pancakes could make you melt once you got a whiff of it. As we entered, we were greeted by one of the workers and were lead to a cute little table.

Ofcourse the boys ordered their dessert for breakfast, and Amy and i just ordered bacon and eggs.

"Take a pic of us," Ethan said handing his phone to Amy. She took a couple and gave Ethan back his phone who was looking at the pics with Grayson next to him.

"I like that one," Gray said scrolling back to the photo. Ethan agreed and he uploaded it to his instagram.

@ethandolan Breakfast for dessert

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Breakfast for dessert

And the likes and comments started rolling in instantly. We all laughed at a few funny comments and just made small conversations here and there. As we all sat there eating, i was approached by a boy which i'm guessing was close to my age. He had nice flowy black hair and a structured jawline - not as sharp for the twins though. His teeth were as white as they can be and he had a nice wide smile.

"Hey sister! Nice to meet you, i'm James Charles!" he introduced himself. Natural instinct, i introduced myself.

"Oh please, i already know who you are! Famous youtuber and Grayson Dolan's girlfriend! I'm a big fan and i'm fairly close to Grayson and Ethan you could say," he was so enthusiastic it made me sick. Not that i didn't like him, but because he was too happy for my personality. I watched as James said hello to the boys and Amy.

"So what you doing here James?" Gray asked.

"I have a meeting today and i stopped by here for some breakfast. We need to meet up again soon," James replied. The boys nodded and soon James said his goodbyes and left with who he came with.

"He seems... nice," Amy said awkwardly.

"He's always that energetic, but you get use to it," Ethan said.

"How did you guys become friends?" i asked.

"Ethan and i made a video about reading dirty comments and he was one of the many to leave thirsty comments," Grayson said slightly laughing. He made me snort my drink because i was taking a sip of my mocha while he explained.

Amy and i later on got up from our seat and told the boys we were going to the ladies room. Little did they know we just went to the cashier and paid so that the boys wouldn't beat us to it. We also tipped our waitress and walked back to our table.

5 minutes later Ethan put his hand up to get our waitress' attention.

"Could i please get the check," he asked. The girl looked at him very confused before replying with,

"I'm sorry but those two ladies over there already paid. By the way thank you so much for the generous tip! You really just made my day."

Amy and i smiled as she walked off to serve another table, while Grayson and Ethan looked at each other astonished.

"Why would you girls pay?" Grayson whined.

"We want to treat our boys the way they treat us," i said sending him a wink.

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