Fifty four

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Aaliyah's POV

"Grandma? Are you awake?" i ask softly peeking my head between the wall and the door.

"Aaliyah my baby, come here," i hear her sweet voice. I walk over to her and my gaze softens seeing her bruises and cuts on her beautiful body and face. She reaches out both her hands and cups the sides of my face; kissing all over, yep that's my grandma. Is she really your grandmother if she doesn't do that?

"Grandma how are you feeling?" i say as tears form on the outskirts of my eyes. A smile appears on her face and she wipes the water droplets that came out. My heart ached seeing her this way.

"Honey i'm fine. Don't worry about me, i'll be live and well soon." I sigh in relief knowing she was still trying to keep a positive atmosphere, mainly because she didn't want me feeling down i guess.

"You are growing up to be such a beautiful woman, my dear. You look just like your mother.. Have fun and live your life. Don't overwork more than you should like your mother, embrace your young years. One day you'll become old and brittle like me. I hope you meet a boy that will love you the way your grandfather loved me. I miss him Aaliyah, he was my first love ever since we were 9 years old, and here i am 91 years old. He left us too soon, but i don't want you to dwell on sad times like i did. We are all here for a reason and he was my reason, until your mother came along. You became her reason. I know what happened yesterday with your phone call, she told me. What i'm trying to say is, I'm not mad at her. I know how you must feel but she has priorities, and i know she loves me i mean heck i was in hell for 9 months until she finally decided to pop out and make my life even more exhausting. Everything she does is for you, and always for you so don't be so hard on her. Imagine how hard it must be to see your mother growing old and in this bed.. of course she doesn't want to see me like this but she will soon one day. Keep yourself healthy and drink milk to keep your bones nice and strong. I love you Aaliyah, this is what i want to say to you before anything happens," she says.

I was fully crying. I lay myself on her bed as i cry into the sheets layering where her stomach was. She caressed my hair and just stared at the ceiling. She knew her time was coming, but it was torture.

"Ally? Mom?" i hear a familiar voice speak. I wipe my eyes with my sweater and look towards the door. I see my mother's face and i tangle myself in her arms. Her hand rested on the back of my head and the other was wrapped around my body. I missed her touch.

I sound like a spoilt brat but times like these are when i appreciate my mother. I haven't seen my mom in so long and also my dad who walked in through the doors. Our little family was pulled together into a hug and included my grandma. I tell my mom i'm sorry, i tell my parents how much more i just wish they were involved in my life. I turn to my grandma with a big smile on my face.

"Well grandma.. I think i did meet a boy who loves me the way you and grandpa loved. I might seem crazy because i'm only 17 but hey you said you were in love at 9. This boy treats me like a princess, no a queen. He's something special," i say with eyes full of joys. My grandmother smiles and rubs the sides of my shoulders. My parents sitting in the chairs and having a laugh. At that moment as if right on cue, Grayson walks in.

"Mind if i interrupt?" Grayson asks and walks in joining us. I get up from the bed and Grayson and i face my grandmother with my arm linked with his and i lean my head on the side of his shoulder since i'm too short.

"Grandma, this is Grayson who i was just telling you about. Grayson, grandma," i introduced the two. Grayson bows in sign of respect and shakes her hand. She returns a smile showing her still beautiful pearly whites.

"I see he's very handsome Ally, you got a good eye. I hope you live up to be a gentleman as she much as she makes you out to be," Grandma says. Grayson just chuckles and promises he'll keep me safe.

The room fills up with laughter and comfortable conversation as i see Grayson getting along with my family. The first time they have ever sat down and really talked to each other. I was happy they get to see how amazing of a person he was during this moment.

The reason why i love him.
This was all i ever wanted.
My family to act like.. a family.

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