Ninety seven

295 2 2

Aaliyah's POV

I'm so tired. I rolled over in bed expecting to come face to face with a nice set of abs, but instead i was face to face with an empty bed. How the hell? Grayson should be hungover, this is weird. I rub off the crust from my eyes and stretch myself as i get out of bed. I head towards my closet to pick out a robe to keep myself warm - oh wait, this is Grayson's room. Guess i'll just wear his jumper.

I pulled his jumper over my head and as i was about to grab the door handle i hear some muffled voices.

"Listen E, i'm so nervous. What if i mess everything up?" That's Grays voice for sure. Mess what up? What does he have to be nervous about?

"You won't mess it up bro, i believe in you." Ethan replied. I opened the door pretending as if i didn't just overhear their conversation. Both Ethan and Gray look quickly my way and their eyes nearly doubled in size, i swear. I walk over to Grayson and wrap my arms around his torso from behind the couch and kiss him good morning.

"Morning babe, no hangover?" i ask giggling.

"No amount of alcohol can stop me," he says proudly. Honestly, i wish he didn't say that. It reminded me of the time they were on tour and he cheated on me. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as i remember that moment. Cut it out, Aaliyah.

It's the past. He wouldn't be cheating on me now right? He's learnt from his mistake. But is that why he's been so distant from me? Is that why he's always working? No.. he's a busy person, he doesn't always have to be around me. He has his own life and his own friends, i'm just his girlfriend. Righ. I have nothing to worry about.. i hope.

"Aaliyah?" Ethan says bringing me back from my train of thought.

"Huh?" Ethan chuckles.

"I asked where my good morning kiss was," Ethan smirked.

"Hey bro your girlfriend is still sleeping. This beautiful woman here is mine," Grayson defends me as he picks me up from behind the couch and i am now in his lap.

"I was joking. Gross, leave the pda in the bedroom please." Ethan says disgustingly covering his eyes.

Grayson and i both laugh as Amy comes from Ethan's bedroom still yawning.

"Morning baby, come over here," Ethan gestures her to come sit next to him.

"Come sit on daddy's lap," Ethan adds. Amy's eyes went wide as she scolds her boyfriend.

"Ethan!" Amy yells. I giggle as Grayson makes the most disturbed face that i have ever seen, it was so funny.

"Aaaanyways, you guys want me to make breakfast? Or do you want to go out to eat?" i ask changing the subject. I feel Grayson's hand on mine with his thumb rubbing circles on me.

"Actually i was kinda hoping we'd spend the entire day together. Go adventuring like we use to, and grub like we use to," he says with hope in his eyes. I smiled back at him widely. The words that just came out of his mouth had made me so happy. It was exactly what i wanted to hear. I just wanted to spend a whole day with him without having to get interrupted by work, or people.

"I would love that!" i exclaim.

"Guess Ethan and i will just go out to eat then," Amy says pouting.

"Don't be like that baby, we can go adventuring too," Ethan replies cheering her up.

"Really??" she says excitedly. Ethan chuckles and nods his head and she kisses him on the cheek.


Grayson came over to my side of the car and opened my door for me.

"My princess," he chuckles leaving his hand out for me to grab. I reach for his hand in mine and i jump out the car. He asked me what i really wanted to do first and the only thing that came to my mind was chilling at the beach, and eating snacks. Cliche? Yeah i think so, but it was my favourite type of date.

"Is this all you wanted? To sit by the ocean and eat?" he laughs laying down our blanket on top of the sand. I nodded my head hysterically and smiled widely.

"Just being with you is enough for me, even doing something this simple." I kiss his cheek as i help him set up our cute little date. We spent our time tanning our golden skin and eating chips and all other types of junk food.

He begged me to come into the water with him, and i agreed. We splashed water at each other and constantly dragging each other down in the water for fun. Weird right? But it was the best time spent with Gray.

"It's so cold!" i exclaim after he had just pulled my leg under water making my entire body fall in. He laughs before coming over and wrapping his arms around me to make me warm. We decide to head back and think of something else to do. An entire day with Gray? I can just about do anything. It was only about 3pm so we still had so much time to spare.

"What do you want to do now baby?" i ask him. He smirks and pulls me closer to kiss my forehead.

"Its a surprise," he says. I roll my eyes because i hated surprises. It was Grayson too, you never know what he could surprise you with. I mean, he surprised Ethan with a snake in the bath tub..

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