Forty eight

418 3 2

2 weeks later
Grayson's POV

It's been a couple weeks since i've been in LA and it's been good and bad. We're having so much fun with our family and we met a lot of fans while we explore our city. On the other hand, i'm missing Aaliyah like crazy. We call and facetime everyday and it's been fine, we haven't fought about anything but i miss her in person. I want to hold her, kiss her and cuddle with her until she falls asleep.

Ethan somehow got Amy to forgive him once again. It took him about a week to convince her but at least they're both happy. He sent her flowers and chocolates, even though she didn't want him to, she appreciated his efforts.

Ethan and i were just sitting in our living room on our phones and the tv was playing in the background.

"Bro i'm so bored," Ethan says rubbing his eyes. I slide my body down on the couch into a slump. I was bored too. We had no plans today or a schedule so we just used this as a rest day.

I scroll through my instagram and like a couple photos, and post a story. I proceeded to log onto my twitter and see what's been going on, i also tweeted letting everyone know how boring Ethan is.

Ethan's not doing anything funny and i feel unsatisfied.

I read through the comments as thousands were rolling in, until something caught my eye.

@dolantwinssss: GO TO THE AIRPORT
@graysonethan: leave Ethan alone he's trying his best

"Bro, do you see this?" I ask Ethan as he looks up from his phone. He gave me a confusing look and i told him to look at my comments. He rolled his eyes as he read my tweet but then soon a smile appeared on his face. We both looked at each other and quickly ran to the front door putting on our shoes and leaving a note for our parents saying we were going out.

Ethan got into the driver's seat and i was in the passenger. We were both obviously pumped if this was true. We had our doubts i mean, why would they be coming without telling us or why would they be coming at all? Can we really trust what the media says though? Who cares, i'll be stoked when i see her at the airport regardless.

Ethan and i bumped to explicit music in the car and the whole ride was lit. People exchanged us weird looks as they were the car in the lane next to us at a red light. We just laughed it off as we were use to it. I texted Aaliyah but i never got a response. It didn't even say that the message was delivered and i knew that she definitely had to be at the airport.

We arrived in the parking lot and we found a space to park. We locked the car and ran out to the pick up area. Patiently waiting, i was looking for the most recent flights landing in New Jersey. There was one coming in 15 minutes, which i knew meant about 1 hour because planes were always delayed.

Eth and i bought some food at the food court as we waited. I checked my phone constantly and i saw that my message was delivered but not yet seen. She landed. Ethan thought the same thing as Amy hadn't replied as well. We finished eating and made our way back to wait for our girls.

People and people were coming out and reunited with their family, girlfriends and boyfriends, long distant friends but i haven't seen Aaliyah or Amy yet.

"Hey you sure they're gonna be here?" Ethan asked with nervousness in his voice. I couldn't lie i was nervous too, like what if we're wasting our time and they weren't actually coming? Some fans spotted us around the airport and asked us for some photos. Of course we agreed and lost track of time.

I felt a tap on the back of my shoulder as i was taking a photo with a girl and Ethan.

"Hey, can i get a photo too? I'm a really big fan," she said. I was confused because i knew that voice from somewhere. I turned around and i was face to face.


I had a huge smile on my face and so did she. She wrapped her arms around my neck and i picked her up holding onto her hips, with her legs around my waist. I held onto her like i was going to lose her. I couldn't believe this was real.

I saw Ethan having the time of his life too. Amy and him were hugging uncontrollably and it caused me to laugh. We heard subtle 'awwws' and 'ooo' as we didn't let go of eachother. Aaliyah pulled away from my embrace but her arms still wrapped around me, my hands still on her hips. She stared into my eyes and i stared into her beautiful eyes.

"So you're a big fan huh?" i asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, i think about kissing you all the time," she replied with that gorgeous smile of hers.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now