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One hour later

After Grayson and I's little talk, i messaged Adam back shortly after and he seemed to take it pretty well. I felt bad because he was a good guy, at least from what i knew anyway but i feel guilty towards him. I put my phone down and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, where I found Grayson making food. The smell of the food found its way to my nose and i smile.

"What are you making babe?" I say clinging onto him from behind wrapping my arms around his waist. He looks down at me and turns around and brings me into his warm embrace.

"I forgot because i got a full course meal right here," he chuckled and kissed my forehead. I lightly hit his hard chest and roll my eyes back.

"Just a chill night in tonight?" i ask, Gray responding with a wink as he returns to making the food.

We soon hear a key unlock in the door and we both turn around to see a sweaty Ethan.

"Hey Ethan!" I say waving at him. I haven't seen him all day. He ignores me as he has his earphones on full blast, not acknowledging both our presence. I get up from my seat and run at him jumping on his back.

"AHHHHH!! Aaliyah! What the hell are you doing?!" He screams trying to get me off him. I let go covering my mouth trying to contain my laugh, Gray also.

"That wasn't funny, i thought you were a murderer." Ethan said with a frown.

"Sorry! Back from your run?" I say patting him on the back. He nods and turns to Grayson with a serious look.

"Gray, can i talk to you?" Ethan asked him. Grayson says yes and continues making the food.

"Alone, i meant."

"Oh," Grayson and i share a weird, confusing look as Gray stops what he was doing and follows Ethan upstairs. That was weird, Ethan could always say something with me in the room. Oh well, i shouldn't over think it.

I go to the bench to check up on the chicken that Gray was making and lower the temperature so it doesn't burn. After, i turn on the TV and just sit on my phone not paying attention to whatever's on the screen, because lets be real, who else does that as well?

Grayson's POV

I follow Ethan upstairs and i could feel the tension between us. He makes his way into his room and i walk in as he closes the door, locking it. I sit down on his bed waiting for him to talk.

Ethan looks dead straight into my eyes.

"I saw Angela today, Grayson." My eyes widened. Angela, was a very important person in my life before Aaliyah came into the picture. To be completely honest, i would've said that Angela was my first love although what we had didn't last for a long time. I haven't heard that name in so long, it made me nervous.

"She misses you Gray, and she wants to meet up with you.." I looked Ethan with soft eyes and confusion. Why would she want to see me? She ended things with me.

"But you're not actually considering going to see her right? You're with Ally now. And she's very important to both you AND me." Ethan sits down next to me not breaking the eye contact. He was serious. There was no doubt Ally meant a lot to Ethan and she does to me ofcourse.

I nod my head slowly as i still kept thinking about what Ethan had said. Ethan sighed and rubbed his eyes with his fingers in frustration.

"Well since you agreed you won't see her then we're good," and Ethan gets up unlocking his door and waited for me to leave.

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