Seventy nine

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Aaliyah's POV

So a month has passed and Grayson has gradually been getting better, and also fully recovered. There had been times where he would randomly knock out and i would be so overdramatic and call for the nurse, when in reality he was just really tired. Sorry for looking out for him i guess.

The boys started up their tour again and finally having their first show in a long time in London, when Gray first got sick. I was so excited for them, they were both so happy to get back on stage. Last night was their rehearsal and everything was amazing. I really love their content and effort that they put into the production, it was honestly a lot of work.

"You're gonna be great baby," i say rubbing my hand on his thigh. He places his hand on top of mine and smile.

"Thank you. I mean it. You've been there with me for everything and i don't know how i got so lucky," he blushed. We leaned in and our lips connecting, still feeling that spark i felt when we first ever kissed.

"Your birthday is coming up soon. Let's go out for dinner," i tell him excitedly. He rolls his eyes as soon as i mention his birthday.

"As long as i'm paying right? I don't care what we do for my birthday, if i'm with you then i'm happy," he says leaning in for another kiss. This time i place my index finger on his lips and slightly push him away.

"Are we really already going to fight over who's paying already?" we laugh and we hear the door to Grayson's dressing room open.

"You ready Gray?" I hear Ethan's voice on the other side of the door, not coming in yet. I get up and open the door for him and he greets me with a hug.

"Sorry didn't know if you were 'busy' so i didn't want to intrude," he says making weird hand gestures. By weird, i meant making a hole with one hand and sticking his finger through it with the other. Classic Ethan, am i right? Grayson just hits him in the chest and chuckles, as do i.

"I'm ready Eth. Let's do this," he says getting up from his chair. He wraps his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder.

"I love you A," he whispers into my ear. He pecks me on the forehead and he proceeds to walk out to backstage and prepare for the opening of the show. I couldn't help but blush and i shortly follow them after doing a bit of my makeup.


I stand backstage as the boys finish doing their game of "Dare or Dare" and it was so much fun to watch. They always did something so stupid so i enjoyed watching that, not like they barely ever did things like that in general anyway, it definitely wasn't a one time thing.

As they got themselves seats to sit down on stage, they began starting their Q&A with their fans. Just as they were about to get started, Grayson takes a quick glance at me backstage and smiles widely.

"So guys, we're going to do a Q&A right now. Firstly though, i want to invite my beautiful girlfriend onto the stage and join Ethan and i," he speaks into the microphone. I stand there frozen in complete shock because i was not expecting that. I thought i was here for moral support, not to be apart of the show.

Ethan sees me standing still so he gets up from his chair and comes to pull me on stage. I fought back for a bit until i gave up because he's obviously stronger than me. As i was walking onto stage, the fans were screaming so loud i think my ear drums blasted.

Grayson kisses my cheek which makes everyone go crazy for some reason, and he gives his seat to me like a gentleman. Quickly a staff member runs out with another chair for Gray and he sits down next to me.

"So first question is.. What is your favourite memory with the twins?" Ethan reads out the question. I feel all eyes on me and i felt so anxious. Grayson seems to notice and he holds my hand to calm me down which worked instantly. My heart beat slowed down back to normal.

"I reckon the time we all went parachuting and Grayson was scared shitless out of his pants, and Ethan was so hyped. It was a funny, yet amazing experience i can never forget," i answer laughing back at the memory.

"Hey, i wasn't that scared," Grayson says in defense. Ethan and i both roll our eyes at him.

"You're scared of heights Gray," Ethan replies. Grayson frowns as we move on to the next question.

"If there was one thing you could change about Aaliyah, what would it be?" I read out loud. I look at both the boys and i could tell they were thinking with their exaggerated facial expressions.

"I think she's perfect the way she is, but i'd appreciate if she'd stop being so sarcastic all the time," Grayson says chuckling. I look at him emotionless and shrug my shoulders.

"Well, too bad it won't come true," i reply winking.

"I say the same, her sarcasm is part of her vocabulary that i can't distinguish from her normal tone of voice anymore," Ethan agrees. We all laugh and so do the fans, the atmosphere felt amazing.

We finished the Q&A moments later and i ran off stage. The boys shortly said goodbye and ended the night off and it was soon time for meet and greets. I loved meeting people who admire me and i'm sure it's the same for them.

I enjoyed seeing the boys enthusiastic and happy when the fans tell them that they changed their life. It's a feeling you can't explain, it's just one of a kind. I was excited to take bomb ass photos for everyone, i volunteered to be the photographer, but E and G wouldn't let me because they knew a majority would want photos with me as well.

What a party pooper.

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