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Aaliyah's POV

I walked into Grayson's room. Wow, i havent been here in so long. Everything was still the same.

He sat down on his bed and i sat down facing him, still sleepy. We sat in silence for about 2 minutes until he spoke up.

"So.. what did you want to talk about?" he said, not making any eye contact.

Where do i even begin?

"I, dont want things to be awkward between us anymore Grayson." His eyes lit up and looked into mine.

"I understand how we fell off badly and you have a girlfriend now, or whatever you guys are. Thinking back on how comfortable we use to be, i miss it and i want to go back to the way we were. Even if we arent together," i sighed as i finished.

"Aaliyah, i broke things off with Sarah just before. And, please hear me out before you say anything."

I continued listening, although it was getting so painful to watch the boy i once loved, and still love right in front of me.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I should have told you what had happened right away, although that wouldn't have made a difference. I want you to trust me again, to look at me and see the love you once had." His eyes started tearing up.

"My love for you never left Gray," i reach out my hand and place it on his left cheek.

"You haven't called me Gray in a long time Ally," he says slowly showing a smile.

"Same goes kiddo. Being called Ally just isn't the same if its not being used by you."

I look down after our little moment. He notices my change of emotion, and places his hand on top of mine on his face and caresses it. I could see how much he really cared about me in this moment. His eyes showed me everything.

"I don't want to rush back into things, not just yet. I want to slowly build up what we had. To gain what we once had." My voice was cracking and tears were dropping from my wet eyes.

"I love you Aaliyah. I can't function properly without you. I think i've gone crazy from not being able to be with you. You mean so much to me and i hope you know i'd never purposely hurt you."

Grayson slowly leans in, lifting my chin up making me look up at him. He passionately kisses my neck before looking back up at me, and soon enough, his lips found its way to mine.

I could taste the saltiness from our tears as we kissed ever so lovingly. It was slow, and passionate. I loved every second of it.

His arm wrapped around my waist as his other hand was placed on my neck. I gently push him back on the bed and straddled him. We pulled away for a split second, making eye contact. It was beautiful. He smiled into our kiss and i felt my heart explode.

Things started to get heated up as his hands went from my neck to my chest, making its way down to cup my breast.
I moaned into our kiss as now both his hands were on me.

I could feel his buldge beneath me growing bigger each time i moaned. I began moving back and forth, riding him through our clothes slowly, playing with him.

"Don't tease me Ally, i want you so bad right now," he said looking at me biting his lip.

"Then have me."

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now