Twenty eight

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Aaliyah's POV

It was now lunch time and i was dreading it. After my argument with Grayson, i moped around the school and found myself walking to the girl's toilets and just locking myself in the stall. No doubt so many things were going through my mind right now. My phone started vibrating in my pocket and it wouldn't stop. Amy was calling.

I love Amy. She was always there for me and stood up for me. She's protective over me obviously, she's been through everything with me. She would never let anyone lay a finger on me and always checked up on me. I could tell she was worried, seeing my 7 missed calls and 21 unread messages from her. I pressed answer and heard her concerned voice over the phone.

Amy: Where are you? It's lunch time, tell me what happened babe.

Me: I don't feel like it.. I'll probably see him around.

Amy: No shit you're in the same school. Trust me if that bitch goes near him again, i'll make her wish she didn't.

I let out a long sigh and finally agreed after 10 minutes of arguing with her. I gave in and started making my way to the cafeteria. Ethan saw me and walked over to me for a hug and also Amy. We found an empty, and some what clean table and sat down.

Amy passed me a packet of chips she brought and told me to eat. Me being upset i wasn't having an appetite.

"You're eating or else i'll shove it down your throat," she said winking at me. A small smile appeared from the corner of my mouth, but slowly disappeared as my eyes roamed the cafeteria and landed on him. I quickly looked away. He didn't see me, he was standing with his football team not saying a word with his gloomy eyes.

"Something's up with you and Gray?" Ethan asked noticing instantly. I nodded back and he didn't ask anything else, probably knowing how his brother is. Grayson said bye to his friends as his eyes wandered around the cafeteria and started walking towards our table, probably wanting to talk to me or atleast attempt. Grayson was still half away across the cafeteria from us when he was stopped, and that was when my heart sank.

Angela had grabbed his arm from behind making him stop in his tracks. He pulled back his arm and stared deeply into her eyes, but in an angry, dark way.

Amy and Ethan had noticed, and apparently so did everyone else since they were in the middle of everything. Ethan got up and walked over to Amy and I's side to calm her down, she would've gone crazy at Angela if it wasn't for him.

"I love you Grayson," Angela said, loud enough for people to hear. People were talking, whispering and "oooo-ing." Many were confused by the looks on their faces, they all knew Grayson and i were together. Grayson continued his dark stare into her eyes, his hands both in the pockets of his track pants and rolling his eyes.

Grayson was about to say something as Angela held up her hand telling him to stop what he had in mind. She took a step closer and now she was right under his nose.

I had enough. I got up from my seat and walked towards the middle of the cafeteria where they both were. Angela grabbed his face leaning in and i removed her hands pushing her back making her stumble. I gave Grayson a short smile and him returning it.

I look back at Angela as she tried to regain her balance. Everyone still kept their gaze on us as people gasped and woo-ed on.

"Don't ever touch my man again," i say to her. I felt a pair of arms wrap itself around my waist and i felt the warmth of his breath on my neck. Angela scoffed at the sight, realising she messed with the wrong people.

"He fucked up, now you want him?" she questioned me with attitude.

"YOU fucked up, now you want him? Shut the fuck up. We were fine until you came out of nowhere, everyone's moved on and i think it's time for you too. You had your time to love him and now it's mine. It seems like to me that YOU are the odd one out," i say pointing all around the room making sure she knew everyone was looking.

Angela took a few steps closer and was about to take a hit at me until a hand grips onto hers, stopping her. Grayson. His eyes were filled with hate and you could see he was done with everything she was doing.

"Don't ever disrespect my girlfriend again. We ended 3 years ago, and the choice was made by you. Don't ever come near us again, you hear me?" he says in a tone so angry and cold that you could feel the tension. Angela's eyes began filling up with tears as Grayson breaks the eye contact. His fingers found its way to mine and leads me out of the cafeteria. Everyone went back to what they were doing, minding their own business.

Grayson lead me down to my locker bay with our fingers interlocked. He stops as we reach my locker and turns to face me.

"I'm so sorry. Please don't doubt me ever again because.. I love you so much.." and this time i really truly believed him. His voice was breaking as he said those words, tears were about ready to drop from his beautiful eyes.
I lift up my other hand and caress his cheek with my thumb as i stare intently into his eyes.

"I know you do. I'm so sorry for overreacting before, i'm normally not like this and you know that. I was just scared, to lose you. You're so important to me Grayson and I love you. With everything, through everything."

"You're mine, and i am yours. For only you."

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