Forty two

428 3 4

Grayson had left, and i'm crying on the floor in the middle of the airport. With Amy crying next to me, i didn't think it was that bad. We got weird looks from people but did it really matter right now? I missed him. I watched his plane leave.

Grayson's POV

I tried to hold back the tears as i was sitting back in my seat on the plane. It was humid and squishy. I took a gulp and thought of
the perfect girl i had in my life. She didn't come. She never came. Hell, i wish she fucking did. She probably doesn't care though, considering i broke up with her and hurt her countless times.

The pilot said his little speech at the beginning of the trip, and the video for the safety and everything were being played. Obviously not many people paid attention but we really should. Then we began to take off.

These 10 months were going to be crazy, and i had no one to share it with. I didn't have anyone else than Ethan to be able to tell these funny stories to. A tear rolled down from my eye and i felt a warm finger wipe it away.

"You good bro?" Ethan asked. I looked at him and sighed. He wasn't at his best either. His face was all dry from wiping his own tears.

"I just wish she came," i said softly. I tried not to let my voice crack otherwise i think i would be in tears.

Ethans phone went off with a notification. It was Amy, i saw all those lame heart emojis. His eyebrow raised and a huge smile was brought to his red swollen face. He held up his phone just a few inches from my face and i read the message, well messages. I roll my eyes at how many times Amy had texted.

Amy💖🙊✨💕: I hope you got on the plane safely babe!
Amy💖🙊✨💕: You probably won't see this message until you land, or maybe idk
Amy💖🙊✨💕: I'm still upset crying in this airport as i watch your plane leave ..
Amy💖🙊✨💕: But i'm not alone!

A smile was also brought to my face. She really came to see me. Goddamn it Ethan, why didn't we stay for a bit longer. Ethan tried responding to her message but it was cut off from the connection.

My smile stayed stuck on my face constantly throughout the flight. Although it still didn't help the fact that i wasn't going to see her for the next loooong few months. Amy said she had something to tell me. I wanted to find out right away but i can't, and it's killing me.

Hours later

Ethan and i soon landed in Jersey. Ethan just ate snacks and watched movies while i slept the whole way through. I was grumpy and my body was aching from sitting in the same position for the past 8 hours or so. We walked through the airport and collected our luggage. We were welcomed by a crowd of fans that were quickly surrounding us.

We felt like we were really home, and although we were tired, we were happy. Some fans even gifted us and i felt so blessed. They asked for pictures and of course we couldn't say no so we tried taking photos with as many people as we could.

A group of girls came up to me and asked me a couple of questions in a matter of seconds.

"Are you and Aaliyah still dating?"
"What's your big announcement?"
"Please post more! I always get excited when you post"
"Why is Ethan wearing the same zebra pants as me?"

I chuckled at the last question. Ethan had a weird style but it suited him. I sighed before taking in all the things they said.

"All i can say is you'll find out soon and we have big plans coming up so keep an eye out," and i said goodbye to everyone and walked out the exit.

Aaliyah's POV

Amy drove me back to her house. As soon as we got home i instantly plopped myself onto her bed and she did the same. We turned over and looked at eachother as our heads were sideways.

I wish i could've told him i love him. I wish he could stay. I wish he didn't leave. I'm so stupid.

"You really love Gray don't you?" she asked.

"Can you tell? Hahah, you really love Eth don't you?" i reply. She smiles and nods.

I don't think anyone can understand what i feel for Grayson. He can do anything to make me mad but i still go back to him. It's stupid and something i told myself i would never do, but i realise why people do it now. They love and care for this person and become so attached to them, they don't want to start over with anybody else. I relate to this.

"Do you and Ethan ever fight?" i asked. She started thinking and twisting her lips, looking up at the ceiling.

"Every couple fights Ally. Whenever i get mad at him he doesn't let me leave until we figure things out. Sometimes i'm grateful that he does that, and other days i just hate his guts that i can't say a word to him."

She turns her head to look back at me.

"You know Ally, Ethan's done some unforgettable things that i can't let go of, but i do because i would pull through with him than anyone else. I guess he just doesn't want his brother to do what he has. Grayson will come around, and you both will be happy again. No doubt. He just needs more time than most of us do,"

Grayson has his good and bad days. Some days he'll show me so much affection and others he would just be upset for no reason. He's hurt me so many times before, done and said things i won't forget but i wouldn't trade him for the world. I think Amy and i just need to remember that we're all still young. The boys are learning about themselves and so are we. Patience is everything right now.

We are in obliviously in love with two imperfectly perfect boys.

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