Sixty eight

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Aaliyah's POV

A few hours have gone past since i've seen Grayson at the park. I really wanted to just break down, but i can't let myself look vulnerable to the public eye. Grayson was with some fans before he ran up to me, and unfortunately i know that they probably took some photos and posted it somewhere.

Why did my life have to be this hard? Grayson and Ethan were going to be leaving at 4am, it is currently 6pm. I really didn't want to part with them this way. I had multiple missed calls from Amy and Ethan. I'm somewhat guessing that Grayson told them what happened or they just wanted to make sure i was going to be at the airport.

I was still out. Ever since i saw Grayson i just started walking and i guess i never stopped. I just wanted to get the thoughts out of my head and i couldn't so i continued wandering. I sigh to myself.

How am i so stupid? I literally wandered all the way to Grayson's house. I guess my mind just brought me here and maybe that was a sign. I don't know, i'll take anything at this point. I stood in front of their apartment building contemplating whether or not i should go in.

"Hey Ally!" i turn to face the voice i heard. Oh great. It was Ethan. I guess there's no turning back now.

"You're going to say good bye to him, eh?" Ethan says as he approaches me smirking. I look up at the sky and close my eyes breathing in, not saying a word.

"Ally, just so you know, he's waiting for you. He's been waiting for you," he continues talking.

"Shouldn't you be with Amy?" i ask changing the subject. He shakes his head.

"I'm on my way to her right now. She had some things to do earlier but she told me to come to her since she's done," he explained dangling his car keys in the air.

"I guess i'll see you later E," i tell him as i walk away from their apartment complex. He stops me by grabbing my arm.

"Ally.. Don't do this to my brother. You promised me you wouldn't hurt him," he said. I felt sudden anger build up inside me and my body temperature just rising.

"And he hurt me Ethan. I kept my end of the promise when we were dating, but he didn't keep his. You can't expect this to be easy for me to go through this shit twice," i spat.

"I just know that if i go back to him, i'm going to just fall into his words, and everything. I know that i will just go back to him and try force myself to forget everything. I love Grayson, you know that. But he's making it so damn hard to love him for the right reasons," i said.

Ethan slowly lets go of his grip and looks down at the ground with his hands in his pants pocket. He nods his head before looking up at me.

"You'll make the right choice. Your happiness matters most. I know that happiness comes from Grayson, he can make you happy like no one else can." As he finishes his sentence, he pulls me into a hug and walking away to where his car was parked.

I stood still in my position and took a deep breath.

Let's go Aaliyah.


I make it to the front of their apartment door. I held my hand up about to knock but i mentally stop myself. Am i seriously about to do this? Ugh. Make up your mind Ally, you're already here.

I prepare myself to knock on the door, as i lean forward closer. The door begins to open by itself and i quickly step back.

"Ally.." Grayson says in shock. I was speechless just standing there with no words coming from my mouth.

"H-Hi can i come in?" i stuttered. He blinked a couple times probably still not believing i was standing right in front of him. I looked at him waiting for an answer and then he realised and knocked back into reality.

He steps aside from the door and makes way for me to walk through.

Ah the apartment, i haven't been here in so long.

I sit down on the couch and Grayson grabs me a bottle of water and sets it down on the table. He sat on the opposite end of the couch and we sit on silence, not wanting to be the first one to speak up.

"W-Well i'm sorry about this morning. I just wasn't in a good place and i needed to vent a bit," i said. He nods his head to let me know it's okay.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here, well at all. Why are you here? Not that it's a bad thing.." he speaks softly.

"I was walking and i somehow ended up here." This whole time my eyes were avoiding contact with his. I could feel his eyes burning on me as i notice him staring from the corner of my eye. I hear him sigh, like a disappointment.

"You can l-leave if you want. I can tell you don't want to be here," he says. This causes me to turn to look at him and i see a tear waiting to just drop from his eye. I decided to throw my pride to the side and move myself closer to him. I use my thumb and wipe away the droplet that let itself go.

We stare at each other in silence for a good minute, not one of us daring to break it.

"Do you love me or do you love me not?" I ask him seriously.

"I love you with everything, through everything."

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now