Eighty eight

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Aaliyah's POV

"We're here baby," Ethan says as he places the strands of Amy's hair behind her ear. Amys' eyes twitch and she slowly gets up yawning.

"I can't wait for ice cream," Ethan says all giddily. Grayson and him were talking about what flavours they wanted to get. It's so weird how they can get whatever they want, but still want to get the same thing. It's like they both have go agree on it first.

Ethan helps Amy out from her seat and Grayson walks over to open my car door for me. Such a sweetheart, he never fails to open my door. I take his hand and he closes the door behind me as my feet touch the ground.

We take our first steps into the cafe and we smell the fresh scent of bread and sweets that filled our noses.

Obviously Ethan and Gray went straight to the ice cream, whilst Amy and i leaned on to each other watching our boys.

"Aaliyah! Hey Amy," a familiar voice says. We both turn my head around to see Jordan smiling right at me. Grayson and Ethan hear him as well and also turn back.

"Oh hey Jordan, you're still here?" i ask smiling back. He nods.

"Yeah been working all day to help my parents out, i guess. What are you doing back here?"

I walk over to Gray and i wrap my little arms around his huge bicep, and give them a little squeeze as my head rests on the side of his arm.

"Amy and i just picked up our boys from the airport. They wanted to get some ice cream," i explained. My hand reaches for Grayson's fingers and we connect them. I could feel his hand tightening around mine.

"Ah, so you're the boyfriend i've been hearing about. Nice to meet you, i'm Jordan," He introduces himself, walking towards Ethan and Gray holding out his hand.

"I'm Ethan," he reaches for Jordan's hand and shakes it.

"I'm Grayson," and they shake each other's hand.

"How about we all sit down and chill together?" Amy suggested. It didn't seem like such a bad idea so we all agreed. Jordan led us to a cute little 4 seater booth and brings along another chair for himself.

"Whatever you guys want, it's on the house," he says walking away to close the store since it was getting late.

I cuddled next to Grayson but i wasn't feeling much affection back, compared to how we were in the restaurant. I could tell that Amy was feeling the same with E.

"What's wrong?" I whispered into his ear. He shrugged it off casually playing on his phone, not paying any attention to me. I didn't want this night to end in an argument which i don't even know for what reason.

Amy and i make eye contact across the table as her foot kicks mine. I make a face indicating that he didn't want to talk to me and she tells me Ethan is the same. We use our feet and facial expressions to communicate so that the boys wouldn't find out. It was pretty easy if you ask me.

"I brought back some muffins and cakes. You wanted ice cream right? What flavour do you want?" Jordan asks as he comes back with a plate full of food. Neither of the boys responded and just sat there.

"I think we'll be okay for now. Let's just sit and talk," I replied trying to fill in the awkward tension. Jordan agrees and takes sits in his seat.

"So, how do you guys know eachother?" Grayson finally speaks up. I look at him confused, as he eyes Jordan with those deadly eyes that could kill. I look over at Jordan who was looking up at the ceiling, squinting his eyes trying to remember when we first met.

"I think she was upset that day.. it's so hard to remember but she accidentally bumped into me at the park."

Grayson constantly continued nodding his head as if he wasn't really listening, but interested also.

"I wanted to ask her out but she said she already had a boyfriend, so i'm guessing that boy was you," Jordan added. I slowly close my eyes, mentally face palming myself. That's not something you just say so casually to someone's boyfriend. When do you meet someone talking about hitting on their girlfriend to their face? Never. Exactly my point.

"You hit on her?" Grayson's stern voice asked.

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