Fifty two

418 3 2

Aaliyah's POV

We all made it to the hospital. I got out the car first and immediately ran inside to the front counter.

"Butera Montaneo please? What room is she in?" i ask the receptionist out of breath.

"She's in surgery right now, but will be moved to the ICU very soon," she replied. I thanked her and turned around to see Grayson and everyone else walking through. He walks up to me and places his hands on both sides of my shoulder and looks at me.

"There's already been one crash today, we don't need another from the way you got out of the car princess," he says.

We all took a seat in the waiting room and i was sitting there anxiously tapping my foot on the ground, and fiddling with my fingers. Gray seemed to notice and intertwined his fingers with mine. It calmed me down a lot.

"I didn't know your grandma lived in Jersey?" Lisa said, more like a question. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes remembering the situation.

"My parents and i are the only ones in our family to move to LA. The rest of my relatives live here in New Jersey, they grew up here and never planned on leaving. I was pretty close to my grandma but now that i'm older and busier i haven't been able to contact her for a while. I really regret it now. I've been so concentrated on living my life when she has been growing old this whole time," i say as a tear drops from my face. Grayson wipes it away with his thumb and places a kiss on my forehead.

"What about your grandfather? Wouldn't he be here? Wouldn't he be the first contact?" Ethan asks. I cry even more. My hands were covering my swollen face and Grayson hugs me tightly in his warm arms.

"My grandfather died in a car crash 4 years ago.. It was a hit and run. He didn't deserve to have his life taken away like that, and now i never thought that my grandmother would suffer the same way. She lives alone, i can't even begin to imagine how she feels," i say as my voice cracks. Everyone looked down feeling pity for me. This isn't what i wanted.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out. I wiped away the tears with my hand to see who was calling me. It was my mom.

"Honey! I just heard the news, is she okay? Where are you right now?" I haven't heard from my mom in weeks and just hearing her voice made me feel so calm.

"She's in surgery right now, i'm in the waiting room.. A-Are you going to come down a-and see her?" i asked, kinda stuttering. I heard a loud sigh from the other side of the phone.

"My work won't let me take time off Ally, it's hard. I want to be there with you and your grandmother too," i felt my heartbreak, and shatter into a million pieces.

"This is your mother, mom. She's growing old, not to mention she got into a CAR CRASH just an hour ago and you're talking about not leaving work? Work shouldn't even matter right now, but i understand. Goodbye," and i hung up the phone. Grayson looked at me with concern on his face and knew that phone call wasn't what i was expecting. I cried into his chest, it was so hard to breath.

I felt my entire world just crashing down.

"Butera Montaneo's family?" a deep stern voice asked. I looked up and immediately walked towards the doctor, who was accompanied by 2 other nurses.

"I'm her granddaughter," i reply. He takes out his folder probably filled with my grandmother's condition, and sighed.

"Your grandmother made it through the surgery, although she had some internal bleeding during the time of the crash. We managed to stop it, but it isn't definite and can surely start up again if we're not careful. A part of her skull has been fractured so she's still currently unconscious but she will be able to wake up by tonight or tomorrow we're hoping," he says.

I tried my best to contain my sadness and i felt a hand lay on my shoulder. Grayson.

"Thank you so much, can i see her?"

"You won't be able to today as we moved her to the ICU to keep 24/7 updates on her and in case something goes wrong suddenly, we can quickly assess the situation. Please come back tomorrow or give a call before you decide to drop in, and we will let you know."

"And what about the other driver? Is he or she okay?" i ask.

"I can't fully tell you what her medical condition is but she is awake at the moment. You can visit her in room 223," i let out a huge sigh.

I thanked the doctor one last time before Grayson shifted me back to the waiting room with everyone else.

"Let's go home, unless you still want to go out to eat at least dear," Sean suggested. Eating was the last thing on my mind, but i knew everyone was concerned about me.

"Let's go out to eat still, but i have something to do first so i'll meet you all there," i reply. They all agreed and Cameron decided to leave her car keys with me to meet up later, so everyone else rode in Lisa's car.

Lisa, Sean, Cameron , Amy and Ethan all left giving me a hug before leaving. I turned around before hearing loud footsteps come up from behind me.

"Aaliyah, please don't do anything you will regret," i heard Grayson's voice. I turn around to him and pulls me into his arms.

"Grayson.. i want to see who did this. I want to see why this happened, and what should happen next," i say. His fingers run through my long hair and he lays a kiss on it.

"I'm coming with you, i don't care what you say. I'm not letting you go through any of this alone," he says. I smile and i go on my tippy toes to peck him on the lips. We walk hand in hand to find room 223.

Grayson Dolan i am so thankful for you. I am not alone when i have you.

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