Seventy five

325 1 1

Grayson's POV

My body has been feeling so drained and my face is pale. I haven't gotten any better but i don't have the heart to tell Ethan. I don't want to let anyone down either and i would hate to cancel our show tomorrow night. I don't know why i'm feeling like this, but it can't just be any flu.

My stomach has sharp pains that happens every once in a while, but then again it could just be a stomach ache. I close my eyes and rest in my bed as Ethan went out to get some food. I wish i wasn't sick so that Eth and i could go around doing things we want to in this country.

I felt really nauseous so i tried my best to quickly get up from my position. That was when i felt the pain becoming on sharp and spreading more than just my stomach. I shake off the pain and stand up carefully. It was painful but it was durable, i'll just wait till Ethan gets back. The bathroom was just across the room and i walk along the walls holding onto it because i couldn't walk on my own.

I finally reached the front of the bathroom door and rest my head against the wall. I was working up a sweat from just walking in a staight line, and i couldn't even do that. I started feeling light headed so i walk towards the sink and splash my face with my cold water. I sit down by the toilet bowl and wait to see if the naeseous feeling was coming back.

The dizziness feeling was not going away and i felt myself fall onto the bathroom floor.


I woke up.

I saw bright white lights and i wasn't in my bed. Where am i? I look down at my arms and there were some random things attached to me.

"Gray! You're up," i hear the familiar voice from a far. It was Ethan. He came to me running from the other side of the room, how embarrassing.

"Where am i? What am i doing here?" i ask.

"You don't remember? I was out getting food and when i came back i saw you passed out in the bathroom," he replied. That's right. I was feeling sick and i fainted.

"I didn't know what happened or what to do so i got Kyle and we called up an ambulance."

Soon after the doctor came in with a nurse behind him standing at the end of my bed. Ethan greets him and i give him a slight smile.

"How are you doing .. Grayson," he says reading my name at the top of his file.

"I'm okay, but am i actually?" i ask half heartedly laughing. The doctor chuckles and lets out a sigh before looking through his folder.

"How long have you been feeling sick, son? Any pain or nausea? " he asked. I try to remember the last time i felt this shitty.

"It's been about a week but it started getting worse yesterday and today," i tell him. I see Ethan look down fiddling with his fingers, something he did when he was nervous. I could tell he felt guilt of not knowing that i was more than just sick, and how you may ask? I dunno, he's my twin.

"You're lucky that it hasn't been that long since you've been feeling sick Grayson. It seems you have Appendicitis. Your appendix has become very inflammed which is the reason why you felt some pain in your stomach, correct me if i'm wrong," he says. I just sit there taking in the information that i didn't know what to do with. I look at Ethan and he looks back at me worriedly.

This is exactly not what i wanted during tour.

"You passed out from the pain which is now why the reason you are here. We need to get you into surgery so that we can remove the inflammation before it gets worse. It can become fatal if its bursts or spreads so i suggest we do it as soon as possible," he says.

I bite the inside of my cheek as i feel my heart racing. Ethan nods and he turns to face the doctor.

"We'll do it," he says. I look at him weirdly before i give him a small smile that slipped up. The doctor agrees and says he will start up the surgery in about 2 hours when the room is prepared and good to go. He walks out the room and Ethan pulls a chair closer to my bed.

"Gray, you don't have to worry about tour. I just want you to get better bro. Everyone will understand," he tells me. I shake my head slightly knowing that he was right but a part of me felt so shitty that i couldn't do anything.

"What about the fans? They're going to be devastated," i say leaning my head against my pillow.

"I don't know what we'll do. I guess we'll have to get our manager to work it out for us. For now, i'll tell everyone our show is delayed," Ethan replies. He pulls out his phone from his pocket and goes onto twitter. I have never felt so useless in my life.

We're incredibly sorry to say that our show tomorrow night in England will be delayed as far as we know. Grayson wasn't feeling that well and is currently in the hospital. We hope you all understand and that we love each and every one of you. We will keep you all updated.

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