Ninety six

292 3 1

Aaliyah's POV

I haven't really spoken to Grayson all night, i just let him go talk to his old friends that he hasn't been able to see in so long. He looked happy. I've been sitting with Amy majority of the time, and Cameron who finally came right after her flight from NYC. We caught up on a lot of things we missed out on during these few months of not seeing each other. I forgot how close Cameron and i use to be.

"Let's cut the cake!" I hear Lisa announce in the kitchen.

Everyone started gathering around the kitchen table. Grayson, Ethan, Cameron, Lisa and Sean were all standing on the opposite side of the table to everyone and were looking at them with smiling faces.

"Come here baby," Grayson gestured for me to stand next to him. I smile as he takes my hand in his and puts his arm around my shoulder, giving me a kiss on the cheek as everyone stares.

"I can't believe my boys are already 19 years old. You are living by yourself and taking care of yourself so well. I wish you both didn't grow up so fast, i wish we had more time to baby you and see you everyday. You mean the entire world to me, Ethan and Grayson. I cannot be prouder of both of you," Lisa says trying to hold her tears back.

"Oh come on mom, don't cry," Ethan says opening his arms for his mother to hold on to. Ethan and Gray embrace their mother for a few short seconds before letting go and Sean begins speaking.

"As most of you know, i am on my way to beating cancer in the behind," He says.

"YEAHHHH!!!" all the boys yell out in encouragement.

"These boys have helped me in the process. They try their best to make me happy, comfort me. They take care of me when i should be taking care of them. I watched these two boys grow up to be amazing role models for millions of people and i'm so proud to call them my sons," he finishes. Ethan and Grayson give him the biggest hug as all three struggle to hold back their tears.

"I love you ass wipes," Cameron includes. The entire family embrace within each other and we all give them a minute to appreciate them being together.

"Gray and I are so grateful for everything and everyone we have. We would not be the people who we are today without all of you. I've created a lot of memories with each and every one of you in this room and i can't wait for more. Thankyou mom, dad and Cameron. I love you guys," Ethan says. He pulls Amy from the group of people to stand beside him and plants a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you for everything," he says holding on to her tightly as she hugs back.

"I feel so blessed to be here with everyone in this room. Especially my family and my beautiful girlfriend. She has done so much for me that i don't know how i will ever thank her. We wouldn't be gathered together if it wasn't for Aaliyah and Amy. I'm the luckiest 19 year old man ever," Grayson says.

Everyone laughs at his statement being a young man. He's such a goofball.

Shortly after the boys did their little speeches, Lisa and Sean claimed to be leaving quite early.

"Why don't you stay a little longer?" i pouted towards Lisa. She smiles as she shakes her head.

"Oh i would love to, but our flight is tomorrow and Sean needs good sleep to get back to work and the flight," she explained. Sean comes and swings his arm around Lisa's shoulder and i smile back.

"I understand. Please come and visit the boys again soon. I know they would love to see you for longer than a day," i giggle. They nod their heads and walk towards Ethan and Grayson to say goodbye.


It has come closer to the end of the night. Considering there were no more adults, everyone just kinda went crazy and drank heaps. I didn't see Grayson much of the night, i'm guessing he probably caught up with everyone. I mostly sat with Amy and just talked to some of our friends, and eating obviously. Some people went home and about 6 people were left passed out on our floor.

I didn't see neither Ethan or Grayson. Amy checked Ethan's bedroom to find him passed out on his bed. She chuckles at the sight of her boyfriend and blows me a kiss goodnight before closing the bedroom door behind her. I decide to check Grayson's room hoping he would be there.

Of course. My boyfriend lays face down on his bed passed out. Could he even breathe? Wtf. I walk over to him and cover his body with a blanket to make sure he wasn't cold. As i was about to step towards his bathroom, i feel a cold hand grab onto my wrist.

"Baby.." he whispers barely. He could hardly open his own eyes. I kiss his forehead and before i knew it, he still had that strength to pull me onto the bed next to him and he began cuddling me.

"Gray i need to take off my makeup and everything." He shakes his head.

"Just stay like this for a while.. I'm sorry for not paying that much a-attention to you tonight.. i'm so grateful for everything you do for me honestly," he lets out a sigh. That must've been a struggle for him to say considering he was somewhat wasted.

"It's okay baby, anything for you," i reply. I start getting up again preparing for bed. Grayson slowly sits up on his own with his legs on the edge of the bed. I stand in between his legs and hug him. His arms snake around my waist.

"I love this. Can we stay like this?" he says looking up at me. I look down into his eyes, caressing the side of his face with my hand.

"I need to get ready for bed G, i'll be back i promise," i lean in to kiss him and surprisingly the kiss became very heated. This was the most intimate we've been for the past few weeks. I loved every second of it.

Soon enough he pulls away pecking my lips one last time.

"I love you Ally, i really fucking love you Aaliyah," he repeats. I laugh as i lay him back down on the bed.

"Sleep baby, i'll be back."

I walk into the bathroom undressing myself into my night attire and removing my makeup.
I come back into the room to find Gray fast asleep.

Slowly i sneak into bed next to him wrapping my arms around his torso and i feel him tightly hug me back.

"My princess.. everything i do is for you.." he says.

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