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Aaliyah's POV

"You know i'm sorry.." i hear Grayson mumble as he shuffles closer to my body in under the sheets. I pretended to be sleeping to avoid any conversation at all. I feel him playing with my hair and place the few strands behind my ear.

"I love you more than anything. I believe you, i trust you. I will give my everything to be the best i can be for you," he says as i feel a soft kiss gently placed on my neck. I felt slight tingles shiver down my spine from the sudden touch.

I lay still for a couple more seconds before i subconsciously turn my body around, my face to his chest. My eyes were still closed so he thought i was in deep sleep. I pull him closer towards me, my arms around his toned body and my legs intertwined between his. Grayson's arms wrap around my petite body and he lands a kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight my beautiful. My.. everything," he mumbles as i begin to hear the gentle snores coming from him, indicating he fell asleep.


It was the next morning and i woke up to an empty bed. No sign of Grayson anywhere. I sat up in bed and just continued replaying what he said to me last night. I found myself smiling widely at his words and the way he touched my body with love and care.

We get mad, but i know it doesn't last for long. It takes a whole lot of strength to keep myself away from this boy. He's my everything.

I look at my bed side table to grab my phone when i find a sticky note stuck to it.

Good morning baby,
i went out to do some work, i'll be back in the afternoon. I'm sorry about last night, i love you so much. Remember to eat

- Gray

I smile at his little note and lay in bed for a few more minutes checking my phone. I yawn out loud stretching my entire body and rip the blanket off of me. Slowly making my way to the bathroom, i start getting ready for the day.

After showering, i walk into my closet and grab some sweatpants and a comfortable T-shirt. I set up my laptop in my living room next to my coffee and i sit legs crossed in my chair at the table.

I decided i might as well edit my new video that was meant to come out in 3 days. I think Grayson probably went with Ethan to the warehouse so that they could edit their tour video. They honestly work so hard, and their video quality and content just get better and better.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" i ask loudly as i walk towards the door.

"It's Amy!" i hear on the other side. I unlock the door and see a happy Amy standing in the hall way. She runs at me and embraces me in a big hug.

"Tell me what happened last night, it didn't seem so good. Gray looked soooo pissed," Amy said making her comfortable on my couch.

"Yeah i mean i didn't talk to him for the rest of the night, and when i woke up he wasn't here. I was hoping to talk it out with him, but tonight will have to do," i say taking a seat right next to her.

"Ethan's with Gray right now. I think they're either editing or going to an interview. You know, the usual boring stuff," Amy says waving her hands about and rolling her eyes.

"So why'd you come over today?" i asked. Not that i didn't want her here, i was just curious.

"I wanted to pay Jordan a little visit."

I cringed my face at her, asking her why.

"Jordan and i go way back.. I know it seemed like we didn't know each other back there, but we use to 'date' or whatever until he left me for another girl. This was before we even met," Amy explained.

I sat there not knowing what to say. My face was blank, emotionless as i stared at my white wall.

"It's not that deep Ally. Ethan doesn't know though, and i don't plan on telling him because of what happened with Gray last night. Jordan even flirted with you too."

"Yeah definitely don't tell Ethan.. Why do you want to see Jordan? Wouldn't you be mad at him or something?" i asked curiously. She shrugged.

"I want to see how he's been. How he's been living his fuckboy life up till now. I want him to see how good i look and how happy i am," she announced.

"I think the best thing you could do is let it go. He's not worth it, and if Ethan finds out then you're done for."

"He's got nothing compared to Ethan."


Grayson's POV

"You really gonna do this bro?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah i'm gonna do this," i reply. My hands were sweaty just thinking of it. So many things ran through my mind, thinking of all the possibilities.

"Don't worry too much. Everything's going to turn out great," Ethan reassured me.

"I sure hope so"

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