Fifty nine

332 2 1

Aaliyah's POV

I sat on my bed thinking over and over about what happened. No way could Grayson be cheating on me. Yeah he's done it once in the past but i know he's changed.. I mean we've been together for what, like 9 months now and everything's been great.

I still haven't gotten a reply from Grayson and i'm lowkey stressed out. I decided to just sleep on it and see what'll happen tomorrow morning.


Baby✨💖: Sorry babe my phone died last night and no one had a charger
Baby✨💖: I miss you!! 😩
Baby✨💖: Wake up so we can talk my princess
Baby✨💖: I have some time before i get going for today!!

I woke up to those messages and i felt my heart feel all giddy inside. A part of me hopes it was all fake, but the other just wants him to admit his wrong doings IF they were true. I reply to his message and he calls me instantly.

Incoming Facetime call from Baby✨💖

I picked it up and see Gray comfortably lying in his bed covered in his blanket. I give him a slight smile and he could already tell something was wrong.

"Baby what's the matter?" he asks. I didn't know what to say, i mean how do you even bring up this topic? Like hey did you cheat on me last night?

"Huh?" he says.

"I didn't say anything,"

"You just asked if i cheated on you last night," he says and sounding confused in his tone of voice. Shit, i said it out loud.

"There was a photo taken of you in a bar last night and you look awfully close to that girl," i stated. My lips form a straight line as i finished my sentence, and my eyes steer away from my phone screen avoiding the awkward tension.

He just blankly looks into thin space and i knew that that was the answer to my question.

"You really did that? Grayson.. after everything.. why?"

There was some guilt shown on his face, but he still wasn't saying anything. I ended the call hanging up on him and threw my phone on the other side of the bed in anger. I heard my phone being called numerous amount of times and texts notifications going off, but who cares? He's probably just going to give me some lame excuse.

Baby✨💖: Why would you end the call?
Missed call from Baby✨💖
Baby✨💖: Aaliyah. Pick up your phone.
Missed call from Baby✨💖 (2)
Missed call from Baby✨💖 (3)
Baby✨💖: It was a mistake i promise. It's not what it looks like.
Baby✨💖: She was just a fan.
Me: Bull fucking shit Grayson.
Me: I'm disappointed in you. To think we could have really worked things out. Is this the real reason why you wanted to break up over tour? Fucking pathetic.
Baby✨💖: Aaliyah i love you
Me: Your words are full of shit

Ethan's POV

I overheard Grayson just yelling at himself in his room. I knew it was about last night. I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I picked up my phone from charging and began dialling my phone.

Calling Facetime video to Ally 💙

She picked up but she wouldn't show her face. All i could see was the ceiling and that wasn't a good sign.

"What do you want Ethan?" she asks. I could hear the tiredness in her voice and the way it croaked. She had been crying.

"I'm just as disappointed in Grayson as much as you are Ally. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't budge."

She slowly moves her phone screen down to her face. She was wearing her black hoodie with the hood on her head and her blood shot eyes looked worn out. She wipes away the few tears on her face and looks at me.

"He was the one trying so hard to get me back. So.. why is all of this happening? I thought the young immature Grayson was gone," she says. I have to agree with what she says, she wasn't wrong.


"Maybe we should head back to the hotel now," i tell Alex.

Alex was occupied with a girl to even hear what i said. I felt uncomfortable sitting in a booth with them. I got up from my seat and started heading towards the mens toilets.

"Grayson what the fuck are you doing?!" i yell. Grayson jumps from my sudden voice and the girl who's tongue he was sticking down her throat seemed to be frightened as well. She had a sly grin on her face and pulls Grayson closer towards her by his waist and he puts his arm around her.

"Aaliyah is back home waiting for you. Don't you dare do this Grayson Dolan." I say through my gritted teeth.

"Calm down E, i just met this little beauty and we're going to get a drink," he slurrs. He was drunk. His first time getting drunk and it wasn't even with me, not that i'm complaining because this was the worst time ever. Even if he was under the influence of alcohol, he was still stable and able to make his own choices. Tonight, his choices were made over Aaliyah.

I sit opposite the 2 'couples' leaving me just by myself on the other side of the booth. Grayson snugged himself up into the girl's neck and kissed her ear. Yuck. The thought of it not even being Ally with him made me want to barf.

Flashback end

"Grayson never loved me did he?" she says as her voice cracks.

"He does Ally, he just made some really stupid decisions. I promise you that."

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