Forty five

445 2 2

Aaliyah's POV

Amy and i were talking to my manager about getting all the articles off the internet and deleted. It's hard to do since thousands of people have already seen them. I started getting a lot of hate on my social media telling me to fuck off from Gray. I was stressed out and honestly i don't even know why, i did nothing wrong.

Grayson told me he would call me after he gets home from dinner with his sister and Ethan. I was anxiously trying not to rip out my hair from over thinking. My manager told me to not worry and that there was another article that was going to be published telling the truth. Although it won't completely erase the problem, it will simmer down the situation.

Grayson hadn't mentioned anything about it so i'm guessing he hasn't seen it yet. Ethan hasn't said anything to Amy either. We decided to call it a night and Amy drove herself home. I walked into my kitchen to make myself a cup of white tea until i heard my facetime go off in the other room.

I run to my phone and hesitantly answered it. Gray's face appeared on my screen and i felt butterflies in my stomach. He has a slight smile on his face before speaking,

"Hey, how are you?" Gray said. I kept staring at him. I missed his face, his eyes, his smile. Everything. I shook my head and came back to reality.

"I'm okay, what about you?" and for the entire call we just talked about us.

"I'm sorry for being so stupid. I just didn't think that a long distance could ever work. I miss you so often and i'm so attached to you, i couldn't see myself being thousands of miles away from you, and you from me," he said with a soft voice.

"Nothing was ever your fault. I'm sorry and regret making you feel like you did something. You are the best person that has walked into my life and i'm grateful you decide to stay with me. You're so patient with me and i hope you know i will never take you for granted. I'm just stupid sometimes."

I told him what was going through my mind the past two weeks and how being away from him felt. It was awkward at some points and a little uncomfortable. His voice soothed me and it made me feel better about everything.

"Hey," I said out of the blue.


"I love you Gray," i said smiling. His serious face became soft and he gave me an innocent smile back. Just as he was about to say it back, he cut himself off.

He had a confusing look on his face and that's when i knew.

"What's this Aaliyah? At the beach," Grayson asked. He was probably scrolling through twitter. He saved the photo and article he was looking at and sent it to me to look at via text. The photo captured the exact moment when Julian grabbed my wrist, and i wanted to puke seeing that smirk on his face. I was cursing at myself in my head.

"Listen to me, nothing happened. This guy came up to me and Amy and introduced himself and then asked for my number. I rejected him but he wouldn't leave me alone until i told him off. That's all i swear," I said talking really quickly.

To my surprise he didn't really react to it. He just chuckled with that cute smile of his.

"It's okay Ally, i believe you. You wouldn't do something like that. The only problem here are all the comments i'm seeing on twitter, and your instagram," he says as i see the blue from twitter reflect off his face on the screen.

Please respect Aaliyah. She would never do such things that the media is playing her out to seem like. I'm sick of people messing with my relationship. It has to stop.

The notification of his tweet popped up on my phone and i smiled at him.

"Thanks Gray."

Immediately i see comments and comments of how his fans were believing my side and agreeing with Grayson. It made me happy to know people understood how we felt and the situation. Of course there were always going to be people who didn't agree but that's okay.

"Aaliyah, i won't let people attack you physically or verbally. They can't do that and i'll make sure of it. If something like this happens then please tell me and i'll fix it," he says sternly.

"I appreciate that a lot, but i also don't want to seem like i'm hiding from my problems behind you. I can handle it and i will, but i love you for being there," i reply.

We ended up facetiming till late in the morning like 3am and i was dead tired. My eyes were literally closing every 5 seconds but i tried my best to stay up. Gray was doing the same but soon enough, i got no reply from him. I opened my eyes to look at my bright screen and i see him sleeping.

He's such a cuddly teddy bear

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He's such a cuddly teddy bear. I wish i could be in his arms right now and just hold him.

I close my eyes and allow myself to fall asleep. Dreaming of the love of my life, Grayson Dolan.

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