Ninety two

262 3 2

Aaliyah's POV

He lays me down on the bed gently, kissing down the valley of my chest. My lower lip comes between my teeth as my arousal rises.

He tugs at the end of my shirt indication me to take it off. I swiftly take off my shirt and throw it on the floor. He looks at me as i am left in my red bra, his favourite one to be exact. Grayson comes back up and leans in to a kiss to die for. It felt like he was craving me, wanting me, and needing me.

He pulls away with our foreheads still intact, his hand caressed on the side of my cheek.

"How in the hell did i get a girl like you?" he asks smiling. I blush at his words and can't help but giggle.

"I'm so happy with you," i reply grabbing both sides of his face and tasting his lips against mine.

It quickly becomes rough and passionate when he pulls off his shirt in one slick motion and it lands onto the floor. His fingers attach to my heat rubbing circles on me. I could feel my eyes roll to the back of my head, literally. I was feeling impatient when the only barrier between us were our pants.

I rolled us over so that i was on top, eager to touch him and make him feel pleasure. His facial expression sure showed he was excited too. His hands grip onto my ass as i grind on his hard on earning a moan from him.

I began unbuckling his belt when his phone goes off. Grayson groans in frustration and so did i. We were in the mood and now it just got ruined. He leans over to the bedside table and picks up his phone answering it. I still sat straddling his lap watching him as he talked on the phone.

"You called at the wrong time," he said rolling his eyes.

He mumbles and replies with some "mhm" and "yeah's" before ending the call. He sighs and picks me up flipping us over so that he was hovering on top of me. His lustful eyes stared into mine, both wanting to continue what we were doing.

"I'm sorry princess. Work called. There's some things that i need to get done," he says placing a kiss on my forehead. I nod sadly and give him a slight smile letting him know it's okay.

"I wish we could finish up this," he says smoothly gliding his hand up and down the side of my waist.

"I'll be back later tonight hopefully. I love you," he says before getting up from the bed to pick up his shirt and pull it back over his head. Grayson picks up his phone, keys and wallet stuffing them into his back pockets. He comes back over to me leaning in for a kiss.

"Bye babe, be safe," i said. He smiles at me before walking out my bedroom and i hear the front door shut. I sit up and sigh still in my bra with my knees pressed against my chest with my arms wrapped around them.

I missed his touch. I craved him so much, though i understand his job is important to him and i would never get in the way of that. I did find it weird that he got up and left right away. He never did that. His eyes widened hearing whatever the person had to say on the phone, i was quite curious to see who it was.

I trust Grayson. I hope.

Grayson's POV

"Alright, let's get this over and done with," i say.

She smiles as she walks towards me.

"Do you like it?" she asks.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now