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Aaliyah's POV

"Boy, i'm stuffed," Ethan groans as he pats his toned abs.

I giggle and hit his rock hard stomach.

"What should we do now?" Sarah asked us.

"You and Gray can go do whatever you want. Aaliyah and i are gonna go do something else." Ethan replied.

"I thought we were gonna hang out the whole day," Grayson added.

"I mean what else do you have planned?" I said. This was the first time i actually talked to Grayson in 2 months. I would casually greet him by nodding my head and all that, but i never really said it in words.

Grayson was shocked, to realise that i actually said something to him. Before he could say anything, Sarah butted in.

"Oh well, thats fine! Let's go Gray baby, we can have our own fun," she grinned at me while linking her arm to Graysons.

Gray baby? what the fuck

Grayson nudged her arm off him and looked at Ethan for help.

"Why don't we all watch a movie back at yours Ethan?" i look at Ethan and he smiled back.

"Off we go then!" he yells as he grabs my hand and runs off with me.

"Alright Ally, pick a movie and i'll get the popcorn," Ethan says as he walks into the kitchen.

I sat down on the edge of the couch going through different movies on netflix. Grayson and Sarah soon followed in through the front door, and sat down on the other side of the couch.

It was so awkward so i had to atleast make some effort, even if i didnt want to.

"What type of movie do you guys wanna watch?" i asked them. I see Sarah snuggling up to Grayson and intertwining her fingers with his.

"Lets watch a romance!" Sarah said happily.

Grayson and i both cringed,
"Ew, lets watch a horror!" we both said at the same time. The 2 of us started laughing as Sarah sat there dumbfounded. This was the first time we laughed together in a long while. Although Sarahs with Grayson now, she didnt know the little things about him like i did.

"CARAMEL OR BUTTER?!" Ethan yelled from the kitchen.

"CARAMEL" Grayson and i once again synced.

"Caramels too sweet and fattening." Sarah claimed in disgust. She was getting annoyed at how we were both similar.

"Popcorns fattening either way, dont get your panties in a twist, doll." I looked at her straight in the eyes as i said those words and i knew it just pissed her off. I smirked as i looked down trying to hide it.

Soon, Ethan came in with 2 bowls of popcorn. One for us and one for Grayson and Sarah.

We turned off all the lights and played Insidious. Sarah was clearly not a fan of scary movies. Dont get me wrong, i love scary movies but i still get scared.

A pop up came upon the screen and i flipped out.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" I covered my eyes and dug myself into Ethans chest. He stroke my hair and started laughing, while pulling me closer to him. Sarah was obviously more scared than i was, but Grayson didn't do anything about it. He was completely oblivious and just continued watching the movie.

At this point, ETHAN and I looked more like the couple here.

"Well.. That was fun," Sarah said scratching her head.

"Lets go up to my room," Ethan pulled my arm and we ran upstairs leaving the 2 on the couch.

"Did you see how Gray completely ignored her during the movie?" Ethan was laughing till he looked like a tomato. It brought a smile to my face.

Ethan sat down on his bed and i layed down putting my head on his lap.

"So, tell me what happened with Adam?"

Crap, he remembered.

"Well, Adam and i were having a good time and one thing led to another.. and we ended up kissing. He started putting his hand up my shirt.." I started talking,

I saw the look on Ethans face. It wasnt a pleasant one. He knew i was a virgin, and hes very protective of me.

"I told him to stop and he was just, really surprised im guessing?"

"Surprised?" Ethan looked confused.

"Yeah, i dont know. He thought that Grayson and i wouldve done it, considering we were together for 2 years."

"Adam isnt the type of just let a girl go like that," Ethan said.

"What do you mean?" I titled my head in confusion.

"Well, Adam did have one girlfriend back in the day. They were together for 3 months until he wanted more from her. She said she wasnt ready and he forced himself onto her," I looked at Ethan with my mouth opened in shock.

"How did i never hear about this?"

"The girl transferred to a different school. His friends covered up for him and said that she cheated on him and left."


"I think Adam probably has something else in mind. When he first asked you out i thought he had changed, since it was 2 years ago. Don't worry, he will never hurt a hair on your head." Ethan kissed my forehead, and i closed my eyes drowning myself in thought.

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