Thirty five

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We got into Grayson's bronco and started heading to the Rosfier Reserve. The car ride was filled with laughter and recalled memories we had. He had his hand gripped onto my thigh, and every once in a while he would slightly move it up just to get a reaction out of me. To be honest i completely craved him but i love messing around with him too much.

It took us about half an hour to reach the restaurant and Grayson was lucky enough to find a close parking spot. As soon as he turned off the ignition he told me to stay right where i was. I looked at him confused until he pulled out his phone.

"My baby looking like a full course meal, i can't wait to have you when we get back," he says while clenching his jaw and looking at me lustfully with those eyes.

He took a few photos of me in the car and he decided to post a pic for instagram. I saw the first caption he was writing and told him to delete it because it was inappropriate.

"Pasta isn't the only thing i'll be eating tonight"

"Pasta isn't the only thing i'll be eating tonight"

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What did i do to ever deserve you? ❤️

Comments -
dolansckippers: I SHIP THIS SO HARD
graybear: she looks so beautiful 😍😍😍
ethandolan: My brother is so whipped
dolantwins647: Their babies are gonna be the hottest ones out
aaliyahhhhh: I STAN A QUEEN !!
dolanators: he can do better lol

After he posted the photo, he got out from his side of the car and walked over to mine. He opened the door for me and helped me out and then locked the car.

As soon as we stepped inside the restaurant, you could smell the different scents that filled the air. It was heaven in my nose.

I felt Grayson wrap one arm around my waist and pulled me in closer and kissed my forehead.

"Those animals to your right are looking at you," he whispers into my ear. I slowly turn my head to where he was talking about and i saw 3 guys looking over at me. Two were smiling and the other waved at me. I ignored them and looked up at Grayson giving me a passionate kiss which lasted about 5 seconds and him smiling into it. Grayson peeked over at the table and they all put their heads down in shame realising i was with him.

"Better?" i ask him.
"Better. Thanks princess," he said as he guided me to the front counter and we were lead to our table upstairs near the windows, which you could see the entire city of LA.

Grayson's POV

Aaliyah looks so beautiful. She makes me wonder how someone can even look like that, or her cheerful personality. The way her face lit up as she sat down at the table and stared out the clear windows. I could admire her all day and night, this is my forever.

"Gray?" i heard.
I snapped out of my daydream and drew my attention back to the most gorgeous girl i have ever laid eyes on.

"Where are Ethan and Amy? They're late," she says, and i could see the concern on her face. I reassured her they'd be here soon and called Ethan.

"Where are you? .... Yeah.... You idiot," i hung up the phone and shook my head.

"He got lost on the way here and took a wrong turn, but they're looking for a parking spot right now," a smile widened across her face knowing Ethan, he would make that mistake.

"You know i'm gonna miss seeing your face everyday next year," i start a new conversation.

"What do you mean? Why can't you?" she asks.

"I'll be off to college and you'll be a senior," Aaliyah bit the inside of her cheek but still managed to smile.

"Babe, you can still come over everyday and i can visit you too. You can always pick me up after school and just be doing the same thing we usually do," she says. I smiled at her knowing that she's all mine. I want her to feel safe and protected even when i'm not around. Especially since i won't be at school with her all the time.

I soon felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up seeing a turtle face man looking back at me. I greeted Ethan and gave Amy a hug before they took their seats. Ethan sat next to me and Amy was next to Aaliyah.

Aaliyah's POV

The night was going great. We talked about so many things, and i'm pretty sure no one wanted to bring up what happened to Amy. Why would you want to ruin the mood right?

As our food came out, we thanked our waiter and Grayson ordered lemon lime bitters for the table. Our waiter made a joke which made Amy and i giggle, but you could see the boys with their powerful clenched jaws all jealous. The waiter soon left and the boys faces went back to normal.

"So what's been going on with you two?" Grayson asks raising an eyebrow, causing me to raise my brow at the 2.

Amy looks down at her food blushing and Ethan just looks at her while giving Gray a wink. Ethan looked at her like she was his world, and Grayson looked at me like i was his everything. This is how it's suppose to be. I'm happy and i'm grateful for these people.

Grayson Bailey Dolan, i will love you with everything.

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