Eighty three

316 3 1

Aaliyah's POV

(2 months later)

So i'm back in same old LA. Grayson is finishing his tour with Ethan and Alex. Grayson is taking care of his health and is constantly being checked on by his doctor travelling with them to monitor any irregularities. 

Amy and i have decided to go on a trip when the boys come back. Hawaii, maybe? Canada? Australia? I would love to go to all of them. The fact that the boys have already visited these places aches my heart but i know i'll be able to experience the trip with people i love that makes it worth everything.

"Earth to Ally!" Amy waves her hand in my face. I snap out of my daydream and roll my eyes at her. She pouts her lips and pretends to be sad. I laugh at her and wrap my arm around her shoulder and tell her to continue with what she was saying.

"So i was thinking we can stay here, and then go for a tour in this park!" she said enthusiastically. Amy was always the planner in the group. The boys were just lazy and me, well, same honestly. We were always down to do anything because Amy plans fun things for us to do, although she gets stressed from it if it doesn't go to schedule.

"Sounds good babe. I can't wait. We have to wait a few weeks after they come back so they can rest," i reply. She nods her head back smiling widely.

"They've pretty much been living on the plane for the past 9 months," she says making me laugh.

At that moment, i get a facetime call from Grayson and i answer it quickly. Maybe too quickly.

"Hey babe!" i say looking at the phone which doesn't show Grayson, but shows the thousands of fans at the tour. My eyes went wide as i realise everyone could see me when Grayson showed his phone around, my face was projected onto the huge screen.

I ducked my head to hide from the embarrassment and i could hear all the fans screaming like mad men.

"Babe! Show your face again," Grayson whines. I shake my phone as an indication of 'no.' I literally looked disgusting. My hair was in a messy bun, i had no makeup on as if i had just woken up, my jumper with my hoodie flipped onto my head covering my hair and my glasses reflecting the phone.

Yes, people see my face every week but at least i felt presentable.

"No, i look gross Gray," i frowned though he couldn't see me. Everyone in the crowd were literally screaming out for me to show my face, and i couldn't help but feel my face warm up.

Amy took my phone out of my hands and she flipped the camera towards me, causing me to cover my face.

"Look how gorgeous she is, don't you think everyone?" Amy asks while trying to uncover my hands. I resisted for a while until i got tired and gave up. I flipped my hoodie back and took off my glasses, taking the phone back in my hand.

"Hey guys, how are you all? I hope you're all having fun at the show!" i talk to the screen.

"You look beautiful baby girl," Grayson says as he admires my face staring at me intently through the screen. The people in the crowd were cooing and in awe. I roll my eyes and hide my face from blushing.

Ethan then took the phone from Gray and said hi to Amy. Amy showed her face to the crowd turning the phone towards her.

"I think we're the cuter couple, right Amy?" Ethan asks sending her a wink. She returns one and laughs as the crowd goes crazy.

"Let's see about that. I'm going to do a quick poll on Twitter and we'll see who the better couple is," Grayson announces.

The poll went live and Amy and i obviously voted for our own relationship.

Who's the better couple?

Grayson and i were winning until the poll became very close. I could see everyone in the audience on their phones choosing their favourite couple.

Who's the better couple?
#Allyson ____ 64%
#Amthan ____ 36%

"Guess Allyson is the best couple here!" Grayson says proudly. I smile and everyone else screams as usual. I look over at Amy to see her pouting and i pull her into a hug and we both laugh. We watch as the brothers were arguing about our relationship and they started moving on to the next part of their show.

They wanted us to watch the show as we couldn't both be there, so face time was close enough. Our faces were still on the huge screens so everyone could see us along with the boys so i didn't want to look stupid. It was hard, i probably do at least ten stupid things a day. 

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