Sixty nine

341 1 4

I knew this would happen.

Our lips were moving with a sync. We were harmonising and the way our lips touched drove me over the edge. I miss his touch. The way his hand ran through my hair and laid on my neck.

His kisses slowly moved away from my mouth and continued dragging down to my neck and collarbone. He gently sucked on the sweet spot and i whimpered at the touch. He smirked as he knew what he was doing to me.

I feel some sort of sense of reality kick back into me and i slightly push him away. His eyes opened looking at me confused.

"We shouldn't be doing this, i shouldn't have come here," i say about to get up. He hovers over on top of me to stop me from moving and my body down on the bed. God, he looked so fucking good.

"Please don't leave me. I need you," he says. His eyes said it all, i knew he was being truthful and sincere.

Grayson's lips soon reattached to mine, feeling the sense i was missing.

"I love you Aaliyah. You are my everything," he says in between our kisses. It causes me to smile as my arms wrap around his neck pulling him in closer towards me.

His arm moves slowly downwards from my neck, to my shoulders, down my arm, against my hips and placed onto my thigh. My body was shivering from the simple touches he was doing. It was driving me crazy.

This was no ordinary 'make-out' session, we were making love.

"Do something Grayson, i'm going crazy," i whisper into his ear. I liked the way he was making me feel, but damn it i needed to feel him more. I see the grin appear on his face and his hand slips from my thigh moving up to my heat. His fingers rubs circles on me through my pants and i let out soft moans. The barrier between our clothes were making me impatient.

I bite my bottom lip as Grayson and i make eye contact while he was touching me. His eyes averted to my lips as he licks his own before smashing them into mine. His hand unbuttons and unzips my pants, i could feel his warm hand slide underneath my underwear as he sticks 2 fingers almost immediately.

"Fuck Grayson," i say his name moaning. My back arches from the pleasure being sent through my body. His fingers were moving so slow i began grinding my body against them to pick up the pace.

"I've never seen you so impatient," he smirks. I roll my eyes as he begins to go faster and faster. I felt the knot tie up in my stomach and i let myself go.

"Your dick is small," i say bluntly.

"You can't choke on something that's small," he says and we both share a laugh.

If you don't laugh during sex, you're doing it with the wrong person.

"We're obviously not done princess," he reminds me. He pulls his shirt over his head and begins to help me undress. We were both now completely naked as our clothes were thrown somewhere in the room. His eyes look up and down at my body admiring it.

"I've never met someone so beautiful in my life," he says kissing along my collarbone. Grayson caresses my breasts and kiss down towards my stomach. I felt my breathing become unsteady as he inches closer and closer towards my heat.

Without warning, i felt his warm sensation linger on me. His tongue swirling around, doing things i never knew he could. He earned some louder moans from me as he grabs hold tighter onto my thighs keeping me down from moving. I grab on to the sheets to try and control myself but that was long gone.

He comes back up face to face with me and leans in.

"Taste yourself baby," he says seductively. We share a few kisses and i felt his tip playfully touching me down there. He was teasing, something i wasn't in the mood for.

"Graysonnnn," i whine. He pulls out a condom from the drawer and slides it on himself. All he does is pull off that signature smirk and he pushes himself all into me. His pace was slow and steady, we were making love and enjoying the connection we were making. I felt even more closer to him, was that even possible?

He flips me over so that i was now on my hands and knees. He picks up the pace with every thrust he makes.

"Just like that baby," i moan into the sheets. One hand stayed holding tight onto my hips and the other wraps itself around my hair and he pulls it back. He was getting rougher and rougher by the second.

"What's my name," he whispers into my ear.

"Daddy," i groan as he smashes himself into me even more.

"Good," he replied planting a kiss behind my ear and slapping my ass. I loved the control he had over me, he was always the dominant one.

He slows down a bit and i take the opportunity to flip us over. I was now on top. He raises his brow at my sudden action and i slide myself down onto his dick.

"Aaliyah.." he moans throwing his head back. I ride him going faster and faster every time. He places his hands on my hips and slams into me harder. Sex had never felt so good until now.

He manages a few more thrusts before he started becoming sloppier and we both begin reaching our high. He flips us over and pulls out as he releases onto my stomach.

He gets up and throws away the condom and gets a towel to clean me off.

He climbs back into bed with me with our naked bodies touching one another. Our arms tangled within the sheets and my head rests on his chest.

"I really love you,
a lot,
I know i mess up sometimes and do things that make it seem like i don't care,
but trust me,
you're the most important person in my life and i belong to you," he whispers softly.

I smile at his words, even though he can't see me as we lay in the dark.

"You are my person, and i am yours."

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now