Twenty four

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Amy parked her car in the school parking lot and we all made our ways to Amy and I's lockers.

Ethan was trying to calm down Amy while she was still ranting about not being able to represent for the school. She loves art, it was her favourite thing. She loved admiring beautiful things and you could tell what she loved to look at just by the things she drew.

Grayson and i were just talking as my back was leaned up against the locker, and his arm was leaning against the locker above my head.

"You look gorgeous today princess," he mumbles as he kisses my neck. I blush into a red tomato.

"Gray we're at school!"

"Am i not allowed to show off my beautiful girlfriend in public? Are you shamed of me??" him pretending to be offended, covering his mouth with his hand.

"You take that hand out of that mouth Bailey!" I say grabbing him by the face and pecking his lips.

Everyone in the hallway were looking at us, and i don't blame them. It's been a long time since they've seen us together officially and rumours about our breakup has been heard here and there. My friends hated Grayson and some of his friends hated me, but not many people knew what really happened between us the first time.

One thing for sure, our relationship was very lowkey and private. People respected us being together, even though we were both quite popular people - there were always that majority that just wanted to get in our pants.

Amy slams her locker door causing both Grayson and i to look at her. Ethan pulls her into his embrace and she wraps her arms around his waist. I always thought Ethan and Amy would be good for each other, but Amy was often on and off with her "boyfriend" so i guess Ethan never really had a chance because he respected her.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," we hear someone say. We all turn our heads to see Angela waving her hand and walking over to us.

"Ugh we gotta get to class let's go Ally," Amy scoffs at the sigh of Angela and she links her arm with mine, I kiss Grayson goodbye before she drags me along the hallway to our English class. Once we made it around the corner i turn to Amy,

"That wasn't really nice,"

"Honey, i'm just looking out for you. I don't like her, and yes i don't know her, but any girl that use to date your boo thang could never be good, just sayin," she says clicking her fingers all up in my face. I crack a smile knowing she meant well and we walk into our class as it begins.

Grayson's POV
Aaliyah pecks me on the lips before Amy took her away from my grip. I look at Ethan being reassured that he wouldn't leave me alone with her.

"Boys! and girl, where should you be right now?" A voice was heard down the hall, our vice principal.

"Bio, sir," Ethan replies awkwardly.

"Chemistry," Angela and i both say in sync. Oh no. She looks at me as i look at her.

"Then get to class kids," he says as he shoos off everyone else in the hall. Ethan pulls me into s bro hug,

"Goodluck man," he says as he moves away from me and nods at Angela saying goodbye. Guess i have no choice but to walk with her.

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